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Everything posted by ghostrider88

  1. Yes, yes it is+his communication is a joke.
  2. Still way more protection that trials rider has, almost every tree close to the track is wrapped and they don´t have to be half as accurate as trials riders. Also it´s completely up to them how fast they wanna go or where to put a foot down, in trials finals(not to mention superfinals) sections are do or die kind of thing, you either make it perfectly or you don´t make it at all, in some cases you don´t even have space to dab. This DH-trials comparsion is as inaccurate as it gets. I think trials riders deserve the respect just like downhillers, especially from people who have never even tried to get to that level of riding.
  3. Yeah right, dh riders that have so much protection on them you cannot even see their skin, full face helmets and goggles are so much more hardcore...Yet they still have 10x more secured track than trials riders. What a pussies...
  4. And that means they were ok with that?Both last year world cup winners wrote letters to uci saying something has to change, I think that says something and most of others others supported them. It was just plain stupid, trials is extreme sport but there´s a point where you are risking way more than neccessary. You do realize this is their only job in most cases? What if they injure badly like Kenny did last year or Giaco few years ago? Sponsors don´t like their riders not riding. And this WC was bad for everyone not only riders, if you were interested in it, you would know about quite a lot stupid things, from no warm up area to race starting at 8:00am, not to mention only 2sections were approachable for those few spectators that were there. Gilles did the right thing, just not in the best way. And since you edited your post, this isn´t the first world cup that wasn´t well organised, it was only the worst of them all.
  5. Pretty much every rider who was there said Gilles is right and this was the worst world cup ever. So that part "I know nothing of comp trials" is very true.
  6. Comparing DH and trials is like comparing brain surgeon and butcher...Not to mention downhiller doesn´t have to go 50mph and he can put the foot down whenever he wants to.
  7. Sad to hear, I hope things will turn out ok in the end.
  8. Nice bike, but what happened to triton?
  9. Contaminated pads most likely.
  10. Hmmm I think he said he used to ride trials before, but I might be wrong
  11. The sections were getting gradually worse with time? But if it was the real reason, we will never know. But what´s important is, do you think it was a good think he protested and direction of trials should be changed like Abel suggested or not? I say something should be done, if I were there I would feel suicidal for spending my time and money on event like this to watch such a parody. And super pissed if I was the rider, risking my health for nothing but some uci jersey.
  12. You think Gilles is so stupid to get 8th place intead of 3rd and risk not winning overall world cup because he couldn´t win? That´s why I think it wasn´t the reason(or at least not the only reason). But I agree that most people continued to ride because of that, they were happy to be in the finals, but I´m sure if someone would injured himself like Kenny did last year they might rethink that. It stupid and shortsighted they didn´t support Gilles for whatever reason, because nobody seems to like what was going on there, yet Gilles is the only one to try to do something about it.
  13. Riding is good, you just look little too stiff, loose them knees a bit, it should not only look more relaxed, but it will help you go bigger. And get a helmet
  14. Private content. Try to upload it to youtube or vimeo.
  15. Really? Comparsion of what? You wanna buy me lightweight bike? Feel free then...I know I wouldn´t trust anything light on my bike besides tubes lol. Million topics from people concerned about their carbon bars snaping/flexing/moving in the stem, that screams confidence...Geez some people just lack common sense these days. Ride what you want, I don´t give a feck, just don´t spread this lighweight=confidence bs.
  16. Maybe those straps weren´t very tight allowing just a limited amount of movement? That would be my bet.
  17. I´m not Dave33 lol. I thought it´s a sarcasm only when you do it every damn time, like this family fella here. You learn something new every day I guess
  18. https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/165399_324329287696587_42235875_n.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/31000_324329427696573_1861574291_n.jpg
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