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Everything posted by ghostrider88

  1. If anything it makes it slightly more brittle...
  2. Yeah, at least they still were one piece...
  3. Isn´t it weird? Serously, the reason behind this could be the fact that it´s easier to lead the rear wheel to the "bad" side with your rear foot pushing against the crank, at least it was and still is to me. So I´m a bit more accurate to the bad side, but can go bigger to the good side.
  4. What vid are you talking about?
  5. It´s most likely caused by notchy bearings, if that´s the cause, no amount of fidling with springs will help.
  6. So that´s how you pronounce it, now I feel like douche.
  7. For once why don´t you just shut the hell up and let me do whatever I please?
  8. It´s alu cog,basically copy of try all one.
  9. It deffo would be better.
  10. Because vee is not a maggie
  11. I think he wants to ride in 2013, so yeah, jaf could do the trick.
  12. Heh, that doesn´t surprise me at all I guess Josef can get monty stuff easier than you or other UK shops because of his friendship with Ot Pi...
  13. Like this one? https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/936778_10151548553574757_1080587060_n.jpg
  14. Yeah, sidehop´s not bad at all
  15. Well, it´s almost always worth to ask here first. Sorry you had to learn it the hard way.
  16. Yes, if your point is that it´s stupid.
  17. The difference is jaf frame doesn´t have to be heat treated as he uses different material. My bro had waited 2months for reply after he stated the geo he was after. He has jaf now and couldn´t be happier, the answer from marino still haven´t come btw. Marino is doing his business very, very wrong.
  18. depends on tubing, but between 250-350 in general.
  19. Well, if he seriously needs explanation why trials riders don´t wear full face helmets, I don´t believe he has tried trials or even has a bike.
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