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Status Updates posted by isitafox

  1. sunday, Sunday, SUNDAY!!!! Can't wait!!!

    1. AdamR28


      Sunday comes afterwuuuuuuuuurrds.

  2. 4½hrs kip last night means I'm tired!

  3. 1.37am, seems like the perfect time for a birds eye microwave chicken dinner!

  4. Saw a shooting star on the way to work tonight! Not seen one for about 4 years!

    1. dann2707


      awww cute ;) did you make a wish that someone would give me a free mod frame? I hope so lol

  5. Need my phone to charge up so I can watch a film!

  6. My mod OFFICIALY doesn't belong anywhere near natty trials!!! Or maybe I'm just pants at it!

    1. CalopS


      Stick at it. Mod's definetly belong on natty!

    2. isitafox


      Nah, will keep that on the street. Use my real bike for jumping on rocks!

  7. After my cock up ordering the wrong forks I've 'had' to order Trialtechs instead, oh well I'll get over it!! :D

    1. Luke Dunstan
    2. isitafox


      Yup, read the page wrong and ordered disc forks by mistake, as they haven't got magura mount Monty forks I'll have to make do with trialtechs. It's a hard life I tell thee!

    3. Luke Dunstan

      Luke Dunstan

      Sounds like you got it sorted, Trialtechs are awesome.

  8. Just eaten my lunch

  9. My phone has just committed suicide!

  10. Wish I'd brought my bike to work, so bored!!

  11. What frame have you got? When I restarted I rebuilt my old heavy tools trials with new stuff which meant ultra wide trials specific rims which in turn were too wide to fit brakes onto with it being such an old frame setup. The same goes for running old skool narrow rims on newer frames built to take wide ones!

  12. If you haven't got the wheels or cranks yet I'd highly recommend making the move to front freewheel. Get a singlespeed fixed rear hub (Echo TR is great value and quality), some decent FFW cranks (Trialtech sport ones are about £50 for the pair from tartybikes), a good front freewheel (Echo SL, the only one worth getting as it will run forever), any 15t rear sprocket and any bashring tha...

  13. Just realised though, a 15t sprocket will only be good for an 18t up front which unless your using middleburns you won't get on a fixed set of cranks. For 22t up front you'll want an 18t rear!

  14. I think the sprocket will be for a shimano spline which should do just about any hub. Have you already got wheels and cranks that your planning on using?? I only restarted last year after giving up in 2001 so I know exactly where your coming from, really weird getting your head round everything and all the new brands and stuff!

  15. Back at work, get the kekkle on!

  16. Only rocknrollbikes who mainly do Onza stuff or trialparts.net who are pretty cheap but based abroad so you have to deal with them by email

  17. Check out www.trials-uk.co.uk!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BradJohnson


      The website declined to show this webpage WTF ?

    3. isitafox


      Closed down by the looks of it!

    4. JT!


      I never thought i'd see the day!

  18. Note to self, never ride the mod for an hour then switch to the stock and expect to be able to jump up a 4ft wall. It will not happen!

  19. All 3 series of Bottom downloaded onto my phone, should keep me going at work!!

  20. Forum is getting raped by spammers. Tom this system aint working!

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Skoze


      worst. question. ever.

    3. Kieran Morrison

      Kieran Morrison

      well its not like a spam thing is going to get in is it? and its a question EVERYONE who wants to do trials should know lol

    4. bikeperson45


      I thought of another one as well, chuffed.

  21. So many wire wool splinters, not good!!

  22. Is thinking my 07 python may get stripped, cut, drilled and anodised. Fancy a change but can't afford much!!

  23. It's cold on the streets of manchester this morning!!

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