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Everything posted by MonsieurMonkey

  1. Both feet, similar amount of pain. I sometimes get it if I walk fast for a long time too. I think it's purely technique, or maybe it's because running on a treadmill is the most awkward thing ever I just can't do it at all.
  2. Cheers guys. Guess I can leave it then, just make sure my terrible diet improves for a short while Dunno where the general fitness thread is so I thought I'd ask here. I can't run long distance at all, its not that my body can't, I just get this horrible pain where my foot joins my ankle. Like on the top at the bottom of my shin, its almost like I've not stretched properly or I'm running wrong. Any ideas?
  3. Let's say I was working on sprints too. Would it help increase the size of my legs more quickly, meaning I could sprint faster, or would it be negligible because it's not mass building.
  4. Would it be worth me using protein shakes. I don't want to be anything like big. But just going to the gym, looking more towards cardio as well. Would I get any benefits (I'm thinking maybe quicker recovery?) Or would it all go to waste?
  5. I rarely give my opinion on other people's tattoos, but I think you should simplify that down, have one major theme and elements of other things. You'll get a lot better detail then on what you really want, instead of possibly having too much. Quite a small area you're wanting to get a lot into. Ever thought about having Japanese style clouds as your back ground instead of all that tribal?
  6. Just thought I'd ask for more, same design as before. But instead of the real human faces, put the actual little skull designs, you could either go the same as you have with the last one. But throw 2 realistic skulls instead of the faces. Or you could go for a re-design and do multiple little skulls with flowers etc. Feel free to do colour as well if you want If you do decide to add colour, go mad. As bright as you want within the realms of ink possibilities. Cheers again mate.
  7. You have a one to one ratio. Doesn't have to be even. Average would be whatever the average is.
  8. That's neurochemistry bitch. Closer to biology or medicine than psychology. And I know because I f**king hate psychology. God I hate this course. 14 weeks to go. That was a joke as well by the way, protein shakes probably wouldn't cause depression. Unless you replace all protein with them.
  9. You're clearly missing how big and good skyrim is if that's how you're passing your time
  10. You learnt that from a sports science student. They are thick as f**k. Uni version of PE. Just to give you an idea of how stupid that Uni student is, 15mg = 0.015g. You can absorb about 25-30g of protein in a serving, but that's about it. Also, your brain runs on proteins. Every message, that gets sent, every electrical change. All proteins. Protein shakes do not give you much tryphosane (sp?) though, which turns into serotonin, so depression ahoy. Just read the, protein is like a sponge bit. Jesus, who told you that? They seriously shouldn't be alive. Protein is the building blocks of your muscles, the more protein, the bigger and stronger you are, steroids cause your muscles to retain more water. It's like he's telling you different parts of the biology involved and just hoping it sticks together.
  11. I think it's all just becoming more and more scripted, it's more of a sitcom with cars than a motoring show.
  12. Awesome. I look forward to seeing it.
  13. That's awesome, not exactly what I was thinking but a great new perspective. Cheers.
  14. Day of the dead skulls and flowers, half sleeve, but probably more work on inner bicep flowing to less on the outer. Interested to see what you do.
  15. Lol, nothing you can do, same happens to everyone. At least you know that even if you don't get back together it was a good relationship that just ran it's course. You wouldn't feel like shit if it hadn't been worth it.
  16. The way I deal with the pit of despair after a break up is think about the ex ex. I thought I wouldn't get better than her but I did, and the next one will be better, and destroy me even more than the one that's just destroyed me. I know this is all shit you know. But sometimes someone reminding you that it's always shit, and that each bird is better than the last (whether we pick better or that's just psychological who knows) it can help. If drugs and positive thinking fail, high class escort it is, with drugs.
  17. You know it'll get better pal. Neurochemical changes and reactions are f**king you up. Get high, fight your brain at it's own game.
  18. I'll be riding this weekend, think a few others will be out. So if anyone's up for this, let me know.
  19. Graphics are stickers and you'd probably be able to get them off. That paint is thick though, you'd have to spend a while to get it off. You can just change the seat, but my Zoot has had the post cut off, you can get a post in with some filing. But I've not found a clamp that fits in. But it's such a tight fit it holds pretty okay.
  20. I'm gonna be getting some glasses soon, where's cheap and good? By cheap I mean the cheapest out of the bigger places. I've not bought glasses for maybe 4 years, these are decrepit at best. I can't even remember where I went. If they give student discounts that's even better.
  21. 3D Brain and Google Sky Maps are both great. Dunno if you can get them on an iPod touch though. Worth a look.
  22. I've had a little look before. I'll take another look. Weird is good, Electrixx - Tetris is one of my favourite tracks
  23. I don't know who any of those people are. And I didn't listen to this particular mix / track. But techno and electro, or at least what I listen to, aren't mainstream. DnB ever since pendulum has been becoming more and more mainstream. When did they release that first track, I can't even remember what it was called, but it was like '06. Now every pop song has some dirty electro beat in it, instruments aren't cool anymore, the rock fad has gone. Regardless, my original comment was more of a joke. But I do like pounding techno /wink wink Mike.
  24. I want some techno / electro. Give it to me! Less of this mainstream shit.
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