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Everything posted by showurcolours

  1. Have to say it was pretty decent, actually liked the way you combined a couple of moves to make it flow even if it was only 19 secs So yeah good job
  2. Ah awesome. Had the first ride on mine today, such a nice bike but I definitely understand why everyone changes the front haha. . Also, mine does this weird thing when you wheel it, the cranks start to rotate like it's on a fixie...I dunno maybe it needs some TLC and WD40 or something
  3. I'm sorry but you have no idea how hard that made me laugh
  4. Sounds good dude! Lemme know how it goes
  5. The side that isn't returning properly is the side with the screw in, I've tried playing around with the screw but no luck. I figured you have to have a screw on both sides to make them both return properly anyway
  6. I know this is too late now and I hope the bikes are returned to their prospective owners but this is an absolute must for motorbikes (and probably even the higher end trials bikes too to be honest) Yes, it is expensive but I think it's well worth it http://www.datatool.co.uk/
  7. Thought it might be! Quick question, the side that isn't returning to the normal position is the side with the screw in.... is that because there's no screw in the other side (the side that returns normally)
  8. Ah ok cheers, hoping I can sort it out tomorrow morning cus I wanna ride all day I read somewhere that you can change the order of the washers (that hold the pads in place) around and that this can sort it out - Heard anything like that?
  9. Just responded, ignore my first reply cus didn't read properly haha
  10. Ah ok, not to fussed about allen headed atm just cus wanna get out and ride and not ruin my brakes or rims, Am I right in thinking that a V brake pad not releasing from the rim is a problem with one of the springs? (I'm guessing so, cus I've only got one spring screw in so far)
  11. You sir, are a gentleman! I was wondering what the hell they are called, that is also an amazing shout seeing as I can't find my smallhead philips and resorted to using a flathead haha Would like most bike shops sell them? And seeing as tomorrow is sunday, more importantly would Halfords sell them?
  12. So, finally got my zoot today! Thought the back brake was a bit loose and decided to try tighten it up a bit, spent about 30 mins before I realised that I was missing one of the spring screws, does anyone know if they are just a standard screw for all bikes? Or would it be model specific? Cheers
  13. Hearing is integral for balance and proprioception (basically a posh word to describe our judgement of where we are in space and time) I've had blocked ears before and have been the most 'wonkiest' person ever, literally couldn't stand up without tripping over something It's good you've adapted to ride with and without the hearing aids though - especially with only a marginal difference
  14. Ah shit, yeah I used to get that 'blur' when I was running, it does get hard to concentrate to be honest. I totally get that actually, I guess without any distractions (as with no hearing aids) then you can properly focus, does it not have an affect on your balance though (if you don't mind me asking) Ahh awesome, pretty much confirms it (in the most unscientific way possible) but yeah, I thought that may be the case! I made a ride playlist on my phone but not sure if I'll end up using it when actually riding haha
  15. Yeh I get that, I won't be all the time and obviously I feel like I should warn all the kids down there that riding a bike next to traffic with headphones in is probably dangerous Seems like you have a varied taste like myself, does the music you choose to listen to fit into my 'hypothesis', out of interest?
  16. Yeh did a bit of research and asked the guys around here -who are like insanely helpful btw!- Well dude, best not to clog up this soo much but again, welcome to the forum and happy riding
  17. Literally only just getting into trials, hopefully picking up my Zoot this weekend! -Dying of excitement to be honest-
  18. From another noob, welcome dude! Out of interest, what you upgrading to?
  19. So basically, I'm a massive fan of music - writing all my likes would consumed most of the post - and I'm also a trials noob, so I was wondering if anyone listens to music when they ride? and if you do, what do you listen to? I know that music is a personal preference and we're not all gonna like the same stuff - I'm more interested in seeing if it's fast tempo music (like DnB, dubstep, rock ect) or slower, more chilled out? I have an interesting theory that the faster music could motivate you to do larger gaps and drops and that slower music could be better for the more technical stuff, just a theory though
  20. Ahh love it mate! Let me know if you manage to get one out Seeing as I'm very new to trials riding I doubt I will have an edit out soon, unless I link up with some guys on here and then get my 20 seconds of fame by doing a horrific bail - which is most likely Incubus, Blink, Sum41, Bowling for soup, CKNY - All bands from my youth haha, old school is the best school
  21. Yeah I am haha oh my god really? Such an amazing band, I doubt their new album will make it onto any edits. If I ever do an edit, I will endeavor to have an Incubus track to keep it old school then
  22. Agreed! That guy is awesome, plus it's the first video I've seen with Incubus with is like automatic win imo Umm, gotta say I think this dude is pretty awesome - his 360's are cleaner than your mums dinnerware
  23. Ah awesome, cheers for the detailed explanation dude! Also, have to say I love your blog Yeah I reckon that's what I'm gonna do, seems like the general opinion for Zoots, cheers for your input dude
  24. Hahah oh my god, pro tip right there! Out of interest, have you/do you use a brake booster? Was wondering how much difference they actually make Also! just noticed you're from 'down the road' from me near enough, we shall have to hit Portsmouth up one day
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