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Everything posted by showurcolours

  1. Well, unless the sims requires the disc to go in upside down...then yeah it's the right way up I'll try another game and make sure it's not my disc drive first EDIT: So yeh, it might just be me because I can't load any DVD's (unable to test games as no other pc games to hand)
  2. Well seeing as I have bought it and it doesn't work...fancy emailing me the ISO? Gonna try get a refund tomorrow, if not store credit
  3. Sweeet Zoot what bar and stem is it out of curiosity?
  4. Hey guys, just bought the sims3 with supernatural addon, it's in Game at the moment for 12.99 (reduced from 44.99) if anyone wants to grab a bargain! However, I can't seem to get it to install, like, it won't autoplay, it won't even show up on 'my computer' - tried everything now. Was just wondering if anyone else has the game, and manged to find a solution... Cheers
  5. TT Risers and TT 'thick' foams ordered, should be here tomo!

    1. AdamR28


      Grips just went on the bars, so yep, they should :-) Thanks!

    2. dann2707


      Excellent choice sir.

    3. showurcolours


      Cheers Adam! that's awesome service :) and thanks Dann, as recommended by many users on here ;)

  6. Awesome! Kinda jealous to see the platform pedals...my shins have taken a battering cus the model I have has caged pedals haha. Ordered TT High Risers and some TT foam grips today
  7. Nice to see that in 11 years my thought process hasn't changed much from an 11 year olds
  8. I missed that bit, I'll rewatch it at some point and be on the lookout - don't get me wrong though, I'm not expert in the analysis of blind people's eye movements
  9. I think you mean fully blind I have to disagree with you there, blind people have a pretty unique eye movement which is literally impossible to fake and from what I saw, he was not faking it. I would have doubted he was even partially sighted based upon his eye movement. Yes there is no way to tell at ground level, which is why he hit all the bumps pretty awkwardly, but if the sensors were set to a specific proximity (which would be reflected by the same, constant distance between the trees during the trail) then that would serve as a pretty accurate guide. Obviously I can't confirm this, but that is how I would have designed it anyway
  10. Yeah I saw this actually, it's a fantastic little piece of kit - the only problem? It would cost an INSANE amount to actually buy (if they decided to mass produce it) Still, the idea behind it is brilliant , we need more technology like this to allow people with disabilities to participate in all sports
  11. Yes agreed he should see a doctor is it persists, but way off? Speak for yourself and others pal, I have a background in sports science and sports injuries - then again, I'm not saying I'm definitely right, most of these suggestions (including mine) should be taken with a 'pinch of salt'. Also, from now on; if anyone has an injury - you should post a picture, that would definitely help people make a more accurate prognosis
  12. Hahaha, truth be told I've always thought I was the milkmans to be honest!
  13. Yes! hahaha so glad you decided to repost that on Vimeo...oh my god it was awesome, loved every second of it
  14. It's only ever corporations who might lose the tiniest amount of profit - The internet was founded on the idea of free sharing Bastards really, try uploading to Vimeo so us here in the UK can see it?
  15. 'This video contains content from EMI who have blocked it in your country on copyright grounds'
  16. If you have an extra lump on your affected wrist that wasn't there before, it could quite easily be a ganglion. If not, trapped nerve could also be a cause. Is there any swelling/bruising to the wrist? Is it tender?
  17. Cus he comes home from work then plays it right into the early morning, like 2am most nights - we once did a zombies sesh that lasted till 5am... but I got frustrated because he's officially crap at zombies and well... I'm kinda pro at it
  18. Decent stuff dude! Some absolutely awesome scenery in there and good riding too, good job
  19. I've got the 2011 model and I think the brakes are pretty decent to be honest, I'll end up changing the front to a disc for a bit more bite but probably keep the rear V (I'll upgrade the pads after a few months use) I'm pretty sure the 2010 model is the same as mine, in which case it will take both front and rear discs How? From what I can see, they only changed the tires and the pedals...
  20. Haha that's not bad! I personally hated MW3 but that's because I spent soo long on BF3 and it's totally different. My dad's final game time for MW2 was 64 days and 21 hours - the bloody geek
  21. someone said 'mint bmx' today, fair to say I took it as an insult

  22. Let's be honest though, none of the COD's are as good as Battlefield Although eager to hear what the Zombies is like on this one...that's the only reason I'd buy it personally
  23. Once I remember my google password (if not I'll just make another account -sigh-) I'll add some spots on the south coast that are pretty decent The flicker may be caused be an incorrect ending in the programming of the site (especially if it's php) - just check each line carefully really, which is extremely tedious but hey Anyway, nice site and an awesome map
  24. 10 points for Jake! Although "it's" can also refer to 'it has' as well as 'it is'
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