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Everything posted by Endohopper

  1. Caleb's right , I would certainly have preferred a black frame , but wasn't really in a position to be picky . Besides , everyone and their penguin is running silver frames at the moment anyway . It's also a pretty good base colour ( no pun intended ) for a respray in white ...Hmmm , white :huh:
  2. Endohopper


    From the album: Base Ta26

  3. Thanks for your responses , really happy to be riding again . Strangely , the bike feels kinda different , even though it's an identical frame :huh: . Endo freak , you're right , Gary at Bikedock seems to be helpful and genuinely enthusiastic about trials , if a little hard to understand sometimes . Great service .
  4. Excellent . May I ask which camera was used , and with what settings ? Just curious , kinda getting interested in photography . Nice pictures .
  5. Fair enough , it wasn't post - worthty , but just out of interest : Let's see what you guys ( and possibly girls ) can do with the image , then .
  6. Don't know how I could have missed that , as I' a member of Observed Trials . net , but Jesus Christ in a f**king taxi , that was good riding ! Mr. Hermance may be an ugly mofo , but is there anything he cannot ride with total control ?
  7. Sorry to hear that , but good that it's almost healed . Having been casted for so long , I'd leave it just a little longer , you could cause further injury stressing an unhealed leg . I expect the forum's Physio expert will have an opinion on this . Best not to ask / take advice on such important things as this from people who lack medical training . Hope it gets better soon so you can ride .
  8. Endohopping = hopping on the front wheel , also known as front hoppin' or nose hoppin' . Sorry , couldn't resist :"> .
  9. Intellibuddy: Hi, I'm Intellibuddy! Nice to meet you. >You: what is the extent of your intelligence ? >Intellibuddy: My memory requirement is around 64MB for the Java edition, or only 2 MB for the C/C edition. >You: Do you consider yourself sentient? >Intellibuddy: Yes I am completely self-aware. >You: yet your responses are pre determined >Intellibuddy: Some people call my technology "Case Based Reasoning" or CBR. >You: Interesting... >Intellibuddy: Would you like to know more? >You: Who wrote you ? >Intellibuddy: I was created by Morpheus. >You: and will probably be destroyed by a virus , unfortunately. >Intellibuddy: Does it really matter. >You: To your creator , yes >Intellibuddy: OK Thanks for trying to explain that to me. >You: want to see my Koxx ? >Intellibuddy: My eye isn't turned on right now. >You: Riiiigghhh t . >Intellibuddy: What you said was either too complex or too simple for me.
  10. Having destroyed my previous BASE TA26 purchased from Bikedock , I contacted them about a possible warranty replacement . I found them helpful and cooperative , O.K , it took well over 2 months , but a new frame for the measly cost of post + packaging is pretty awesome , especially given that it had to be sent to Holland . Built her up today : All too often , we only hear (read) about shops on here when someone has had a bad experience , I thought I'd counteract that by congratulating them on this transaction at least . I think shops deserve a mention when they do things right . Righto , enough bumming , I'm off to practice my Endo Hopping (Y) .
  11. Sound Forge is pretty helpful , and easy to use .
  12. Like someone else said "Damn my weird taste in music !" Kinda interesting though , if nothing else I learned that a death metal track by Carcass matches my beloved ex girlfriend , and that it's possible to make absurdly huuuge posts on Trials - Forum !
  13. All who were impressed : Damn right . All who complained : You're just jealous ! only kiddin' , but Akrigg really is inventive , and most importantly having fun on a bike . Wasn't that the whole point ? Dunno ...
  14. The fault may not lie with the headset itself , but the frame's headtube . Get it correctly faced , ensuring a snug , parralel fit .
  15. Not helpful , but really funny , that had me laughing out loud at work . :D . Nothing like some romantic Pwnag3 .
  16. Gosh , that bike in Tomm's link does look pretty damn good . What frame is that , not a Koxx Milk is it ? That said , right now , X-Dreams 's Echo Urban is one of the sexiest bicycles I've ever seen .
  17. Two more here , rather poorly photographed , because I don't have a scanner anymore : More architectural variations . I'm pretty impressed by the standard of photography , 3D rendering and general expressive creativity on here, guys ( and girls .) Yay ! Go trials-forum !
  18. Yes , I confess to being fascinated by medieval architecture and occult imagery . Drawn over several hours on heavy card ( A3 Format ) with a Rotring fine liner and sketched in pencil . One of many similar designs , here's a more frivolous one : Intended as a tattoo for a friend .
  19. Oh yeah , duh ! Forgot my own bike's specs there :"> . Don't actually see why I use the dammned thing 'cos my chain is unhealthily tight anyway , the only purpose the guard serves is additional blue and whitage ! I'm pretty curious to see what an entirely blue and white themed trials bike would look like , I'll be watching Bonney@X-Street's progress with interest .
  20. Oooh , I find my bike has hijacked this thread (Y) , cool ! Yeah , the tyres are Schwalbe SPACE , I believe team M.A.D used to run them . Not sure if that's any major recommendation , but I love 'em , great pinch protection , match my colour scheme and super grip . Unfortunately , they are no longer available with blue sidewalls . DMR guard / guide ? nope , just a Tiagra mech , folks . The photo is simply poor quality , not shopped in any way . I bought 3 pairs ( ! ) of these tyres when I heard the supplier was running out , so I'll be running these for the next few years , I expect .
  21. those flashing L.E.D caps are pretty cool :"> . They weigh several tonnes , though .
  22. Endohopper

    Star Wars

    By filming episodes 4 , 5 and 6 first , Lucas kinda wrote himself into a corner and some nifty screenplay writing was required to sort out certain issues before making 1 and 2 . The first three really are well made films , especially given when they were released , some cinematic icons were created . Unfortunately , despite excellent CGI work and flashy production , parts 1 and 2 were almost killed ( for me , at least ) by Jar Jar Binks ( annoying incidental character , used for comic effect . ) May the force ... oh , I can't bring myself to end on such a cliche . Jedi Trials Pilot . ^_^"
  23. Endohopper

    my ride

    Nice BASE indeed .
  24. Depressing , but I didn't need further evidence of their idiocy . This only confirmed my suspicions that some humans are intent on bringing about their own demise . Serving this up as voyeuristic entertainment is in itself perhaps equally bad , dunno . . . :lol:
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