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Everything posted by Rossy

  1. Rossy

    Ali C in Cardiff

    ^^^ I claim it isn't!! Neither does Danny mac as he once said in an interview. Anyway back to the video. Nice music
  2. Rossy

    Dada Macaskil

    Bad boy! Rather watch this instead of this arcade and console untorribley
  3. Least you know you don't have to watch it again then
  4. Seen as though everyone is asking why didn't he do it this way etc... Well why didn't he drink a redbull and just take off and fly through the whole section? :/
  5. Ain't a clue Ross, never weighed a bike in my life :/ I usually just ride them or sell them haha
  6. Amazing inspiration to say the least!
  7. Ho Ho hawwwwww... wasnt expecting that. Deffo give me some motivation, see you sat mate! First time In like 2 and half month I'm looking forward to riding.
  8. Must just be me that thinks he's got style haha.. them up to fronts arE rediculous though!
  9. https://youtu.be/uqYNrOs96r0 Love his seat!
  10. This prattley was still in nappies 10 years ago! then again he might of had super tap abilitys at 12 years old
  11. I likeD that.. I thought the editing was bad either
  12. Your shit mate! Uh huuuuh only messing some crazyness was going on in that video. Best bit for me was the over kill on the gap between the tyres. You pretty much turned kiearden into a slaughter house by the looks of it haha. Ride soon mush
  13. I'm famous! Woooo! Just got my redbull sponsor.. so can you all stop being soo mean and realize i'm a tool now please?
  14. That's for all the comments and the bump guys! Haha Ali don't bite all the time... you found your dummy yet?
  15. Absolutely bang on!!! Loved that!
  16. I never said anything about a negative manner! Was just a new one to me! So why don't you put your dummy back in you big baby.
  17. Inch hunting..now there's a new one!! Nice video
  18. I heard it was filmed on a Nokia 3310i
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