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Everything posted by JonMack

  1. Rather that than the silhouette of a fat kid.
  2. I've started busting out the protein supplements now and the turbo trainer. Good times!!
  3. Yeah sadly I can't write or I'd have done it myself.
  4. I was implying he's probably too light and small to be riding stock, not too big.
  5. I know where you're coming from, but the reason I've done it is because 1) I wanna be down with the kids and 2) I don't really like the original logo I did. Be grateful that it's not a crappy free font, it's actually GoVandal http://www.gomedia.us/arsenal/go-vandal-font.html and I positioned and sized each letter individually, so it could have been a lot worse Still, like I said it still needs work
  6. Yeah it had a 5mm margin but that was before I put the stroke on, so I might reduce it again.
  7. If I was 58kg I wouldn't want to be riding a stock. I'm 64kg and I ride a short mod, and it has nothing to do with height, as I'm 6'1".
  8. I love the way that everyone bitches when people create frames that look similar, yet when Koxx tried something new, everyone bitched about how it wasn't a standard twin triangle frame so they weren't gonna ride it. What the f**k do you want, really? Try to push the boundaries, but stick to certain constraints?
  9. JonMack

    Streety 26"

    Didn't Tom_ have one?
  10. Well my bike is about 17.5 lbs so there, and it has two brakes.
  11. I'm saying nothing, I think you write in a very arrogant style and I'm not into that, but each to their own. I got an interview on Monday for a studio in Bristol, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
  12. ITC Avant Garde Gothic Pro Oh, and this is how it started,
  13. Roll up to the object wrong foot forward, put in 1/4 of a pedal stroke, then kick for the last 1/4 with your strong foot, as you do this lift up the front end, hop, suck up your knees and push your arms up towards the sky, so your ass is properly over the back wheel. Simples.
  14. That was so f**king good.
  15. Yeah I'm going on now. jonxmack
  16. Yet another AVGA poster. Very work in progress http://qkpic.com/2f769 Need to finalise colours/background/content/etc.
  17. Pistols was probably the most fun game I've EVER played.
  18. Her playboy pics suck, boring!
  19. I'm there. 9:30 suit everyone? jonXmack
  20. You cheeky f**ker THIS is the reason why I don't, and will never run FFW, King for life
  21. So which one is the one that has done porn?
  22. JonMack

    Prawns !

    He's at the DJ ride, I'm on the phone to Dr. Nick and I've passed the message on.
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