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Chris Cook

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Everything posted by Chris Cook

  1. I might be there with a few others
  2. Anyone fancy coming to cleethorpes sometime. I havent set the date because i want to know what the best day it would be for everyone to come so there are lots of us... So far there should be: Me Jamie Billy James Casper (MIGHT) Steve (MIGHT) Anyway get posting ! ! ! :) (Y)
  3. Where setting off in 15 mis see who ever is there soon ! Oh and if anyone wants ma number for owt ring 07963803399 cheers
  4. Yea but he can keep control of the bike! He is better than most of us in clee for it! He has got lots of balance but not much strength.
  5. MINT video best i have seen in a long time! Soooo smooth man ! Nice style as well :P :P :P
  6. Riding was really good dan but the music dent seem to go with it very much. The quality was alright though i thought ^_^ :)
  7. Amaaaazing vid bill ! Ace editing aswell I will give him that hug for you ! >_<
  8. Dowloading this should be good and remember hes only 13 just turned!
  9. Cool video mate nnice skate park riding >_<
  10. I have heard good and bad reviews of hudds. What is it achually like. EDIT : I would come but it takes 4 and a half hours to get there on sundays ! ! !
  11. I have gone form a 1045 zoo! Boa to a mod with a wb jsut a bit bigger than a monty one. I love it i can spin easily on it do loads and loads more stuff. Get something like a monty 26" nice!
  12. Thats mad! Hes a mad and mint rider!
  13. Some mint pictures there and by the way what phone are you using ? :turned:
  14. Frigging hell do you achually make that gap it looks massive on the picture!
  15. Chris Cook


    Nice video mate. That bail at the end was looke!
  16. Today was mint ! Gotta go agian! We made it to the statiob in time by the way ! Gotta Be a world record! - Accross the humber bridge in 6 mins !
  17. Cool picture like the angle! I wish i could side hop that big! :ermm: :-
  18. Its one of my fav places to ride. You gotta go !
  19. Chris Cook

    Zoo Vid 30? <

    Its a good video but IMO hes not good enough for zoo! Ave vid though and some massive hucks!
  20. I used it with a grind and it worked ace ! only with a tiny bit on as well. Get it
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