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Everything posted by roozor

  1. roozor

    Tra Bailing Vid

    Lol that was amazing! 1st bail video that actually got me laughing.
  2. roozor

    Onza Zoot

    Has no one on here bought one yet? never seen any pictures of one yet :|
  3. Cranks are actually very strong, the other guy is totally right though, you just have to have them done up very tightly and you're all good to go!
  4. No f**king way stuff like this deperesses me, so do peoples 60inch taps! can't wait until i get there one day!
  5. Amazing vid once again! never expected anything else
  6. I know what my mrs wants, but maybe he doesn't! why else is he asking
  7. Ask her what makes her happy and what she would like?
  8. Christ that's well shit, hope you get them in the end!
  9. awww i wanna see some more!
  10. roozor


    Someone upload it somewhere dead link
  11. Quinne doesn't ride trials, no way does she! If she doe's, I'll actually ask her to marry me! I think i'm not bad
  12. 24inch ISN'T street. It can be anything it wants to be shrewboy, if someone wants to produce a 24 natty uci style bike you shouldn't give them any beef about it! You shouldn't put restraints on stuff, that's how new things can't be invented!
  13. I started on a Giant atx xc Trials on XC bikes, it's for winners!
  14. D500 is tastyyy but get a D600 if you can, an absolute joy to use! I want one
  15. Aye, V3 would be nice but i want a phone that's got a decent cam and video features! i've had a black v3 before, was well gorgeous, but didn't do alot!
  16. Lol, me and Nick were swapping phones. His Sony K750i for my Nokia 6680.
  17. Exactly I've said all i wanna say on the matter. Lets leave it, i know people might still buy and sell from me, but if they had 2 guys selling the same bike, one had no posts like this and the other had my post here, even though it puts me in the clear. I bet i know which one everyone would choose!
  18. I am, i just HATE people prejudging. I know Nick is a nice guy, but he went sneakily behind my back while i was talking to him on msn and txt's about the whole situation and did this post about me. Even when everything was in hand and fine Which pisses me off because at least 70% of people on t-f are so elitest and up themselves, and follow eachother like sheep to rumours, i won't ever get a chance to buy or sell anything again. Even though none of this was my fault :| This is making me out to be a bad person so buy something off, because of what he's done ;| And that's all that i'm annoyed about.
  19. I'm the b*****d when i get accused over nothing? I also get something that wasn't what he said it was? And then he had the ordacity to say i was in the wrong? Nice one sherlock! You can't comment anyway, you don't know ze facts. It doesn't concern you, So why not just say nothing? I mean if he had just waited, and trusted me a bit, we wouldn't even be having this post disscusion anyway! can't we just cacept the fact he was wrong to jump to conlcusions, and delete the post :|
  20. Yeha she's ment to be, still haven't seen a cheque yet :| Probably royal mail again buttttt WAIT, LETS ALL JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS AND BAN ME But seriously, i haven't recived the cheque yet!
  21. I'm completely wetting my pants to get a copy of this, can't get one off the net everywheres sold out. Rang up a few places that said they had it in stock online, but actually don't anymore :| And if you haven't checked them out yet, then shame on you! It's the side project of Simon Neil from Biffy Clryo and This other guy form another glaswegian band. Genius. MON THE DUKE' If anyones got it, please send it to me :(
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