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Everything posted by MadManMike

  1. I use a 4 channel Technics amp, with 2 x 125 watt speakers (12" Sub cones, 4.5" mids) and 2 x 250 watt 10" subs... Extremely loud, and the whole lot cost me roughly £350 looking for bargains :o
  2. Nice one guys, promise to buy them and then don't. That's really good of you. I never promised to buy one, or asked to have one ordered, as I wasn't sure if I could afford it. Nice of you to order one and not buy it. Nice one to those that stumped up, but people that just said they want one and had no intention of coughing up, thats bad. Good luck with getting the memorial and everything Sue, and if I have any funds left on April 7th (After rent, phone bill, internet bill, loan repayment and other debt (Y) ) I'll be buying a Tee for the summer! Can't promise anything though as i'm up to my eyeballs in debt...
  3. Heh good choice! You have the same kinda taste as me... Not many films impress me, I find quite a lot of films boring and mostly just clones of earlier ideas... Some real "originals" there though... nice choice
  4. Theiving scum. Was the car still there?
  5. So whats your fave film EVER? Any genre, any age... Mine would be either: Hard Boiled (Directed by John Woo, extremely violent chinese film) or Romper Stomper (Harsh film depicting racism in Australia, very controversial flick) So what about you guys?
  6. he's really talented making music from his grave! Only kiddin' I guess it's a re-release..
  7. What a waste of time... don't post crap please.
  8. SAW... hehe that film is great, there are no scary films though... it's just actors and props... SAW is definately the most entertaining..
  9. Front windows have to have at least 70% visibility, rear's can be blacked out :) AFAIK anyway, I read it somewhere, can't remember where
  10. I don't have one, I have three: Kaiser Chiefs - I predict a riot The Clash - Guns of Brixton Something Corporate - Konstantine (Yes it was DJ that got me loving that song... RIP man) Amazing songs I can listen to all day hehe
  11. MadManMike

    My New Ride

    I love how you say frames are shit... I ride a 'Cuda ghetto... So it's not that good, but it's all I can afford and i'm happy with it. Stop slating frames just because you have unlimited money. My flat and food for the month is more important than a £700 frame. So stop slating people just because you have something better. It's all opinion anyway, I have had a Saracen X-Tort, T-Raptor and the Ghetto... IMO The Ghetto is the best of the 3, and it's the cheapest!
  12. Mine didn't have any crap bundled in with it? I didn't get 180SA or anything bad? Maybe I got a version before they bundled crap everywhere in the software...
  13. Music station is Limewire without the hidden spyware and shit! get it!
  14. Steer Clear!!! Use Music Station from download.com, ive used it for months, it's far superior!
  15. proper bash 'im up ainit bruvva lol... Nah just wait and see what happens... it'l all blow over, he's obviously just a twat that can't pick on someone his own age.
  16. MadManMike


    Man it's always the young ones :D 1989... such a waste (N) RIP mate... Link to the news page anyone?
  17. When I was at school, if there was someone in the year above, they were considered "harder". When you leave school your attitude changes. I don't consider myself "hard" one bit, but a man of any age could start on me now and i'd defend myself. You'll look back on this occasion and wonder why you didn't kick six shades of **** out of him. Unlucky anyway man
  18. Good idea's guys, I also need to remove LTD from area's, as i'm going "sole trader" rather than limited company. so I'm not gonna be a managing director now hehe... I'll update the site over the weekend and post again :blink: cheers for the comments
  19. People like it because Drum&Bass sounds silly as just Drum lol... What music do you listen to? Ah I love Drum. Not Drum&Bass? Nah, bass sucks, just the Drum will do... :blink:
  20. have you tried index.htm ? I was confused once for ages, when I uploaded an HTM file rather than an HTML... just an idea..
  21. Ok sorted the errors I could find, anyone got any suggestions?
  22. Cheers for the replies, I know I spelt competitive wrong, but what else? also, didn't know it was Mouses for computers hehe I thought it was mice... Anyone else offer advice? Also, I prefer small text, large text looks amatuer and geocities style :( or like the 11 year olds on here that have "I RIDE KOXX" etc in huge red text... I prefer small smart text :S
  23. I used my Wanadoo space for now, just to test the site, ad get opinions. So don't say, crap long address! or anything, as it is temporary.. But generally, what do you think of this: http://mysite.wanadoo-members.co.uk/mdcs/home.html Please make criticism constructive, and not "that site's sh!t".. Tell me why it's sh!t... Ta!
  24. For a laugh I tried a variation... check that out: Type nobhead in and hit i'm feeling lucky :(
  25. MadManMike

    New Colour

    I would have given it more time too, 3 hours in total! you could have smudged it when you were riding almost! You definately needed to leave it longer, nice colour though.
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