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Everything posted by flipkickbs

  1. The bearings are sh**e, sent mine back after it turned to filings and wrecked the whole freehub, then recently bought a new leaf spring for it after one snapped, it still skips. Hope amateur 2 has a long way to go. Yep, Ian
  2. flipkickbs


    Wow, serious phobia, i cannot deal with moths, cant explain why.
  3. Good night, not quite there, but getting there. Mindless chit chatter to the opposite sex all night gets old pretty quick. Chips were nce though. Out.
  4. That was a joke yea? it's not actually Owen Wilson skating.........
  5. flipkickbs

    Beau New Vid

    Beau, you make me sick, seriously, i've just had to wash my shoes. So god damn good, cant believe the shaz your'e pulling now, it's unbelievable! Can't wait to ride with you again!
  6. The general public probably do appreciate trials for what they view it as. Theres no way they could understand the techniques and skills involved to actually ride though, Its just such a different type of sport, like if somebody watched a guy kick a football, they would know whats involved. But to see somebody up a 40" wall, their not going to instantly think, "he approaches the wall at a certain speed, makes a full pedal rotation at the correct time, taps the front wheel off the top of the wall, pushes the bike through while jumping, pulls the back brake, gets balanced, releases the brake while kicking.................." Its just so technical that it cant be fully appreciated until tried. But at the end of the day, i don't care, i ride for me, its too fun to be worrying about other people liking it or not.
  7. I'm going to get trashed tonight, edit when done.
  8. Tingle, wow, not much , not lods, bt du=runk, hell yeam teva ian
  9. Ha ha, no pun intended ey? Never heard of evo mounts snapping before, you must have a pretty hard to the core index finger to snap them I'm sure somebody's got some spares though.
  10. flipkickbs


    It hurts to be here. Emo bar stuard. Edit: oh snap! beaten to it.
  11. Mint video tom! i've got to get back on my bike again so i don't get blazed next time i ride with you!! See you soon
  12. Up at 8 tomorrow, night at the pub was funny, mate got sick, i laughed, ed of LOL Ian (aka, no rules)
  13. I think its that they got through all the development stages to the point that they presented their product. I for one would not present cutting edge technology if there was even a slight chance it would all go to sh1t. Its hard to believe that the product ever worked before the presentation, it got nothing right. I think its a fairly good concept and it could save a heap of time for just making notes etc, but microsoft have obviously made a pretty bad mistake in presenting it far too early. But i'm sure it will prove to be a success as most other microsoft products are. Ian
  14. Ha ha, Microsoft products being described as a 'train wreck' LMAO, quality. Seems like a shite idea anyway, cant even mash the keyboard in anger, you'd have to hit yourself in the face instead.
  15. Nice pics, bikes looking good! I envy your taps
  16. [attachmentid=6244] That was from the hill climb i went to a few weeks ago, was a very nice car.
  17. Dh bike looks boring, i'm new school. [attachmentid=6200] Give it a few years and extreme head angles will be all the rage.
  18. I climbed a tree, and i jumped out, it was proppa higher than i thought and now my knee hurtds, lol, Not even emo, shut up, whatyever. Ian, aka, eeeeeeeyannn!!!
  19. I've had that before, it feels like you've just fallen from a massive height and then you just wake up really, really quickly. Such a mad feeling. When i was a kid i used to always lie down near the fire on the rug in winter, so the only time in my life i've sleep walked, i ended up lying near the fire. When i woke up in the morning, I was so scared. Always wondered if there was a newspaper or anything at some point on the stairs, would i have slipped and died? Weird.
  20. I'm loving riding in summer, but i'm really looking forward to riding in winter though. Winter riding is so much of a challenge, all the regular riding spots become like new spots, theres no way you can hang your sidewall off the edge of a wall on a barely made sidehop in the wet. Summer and winter are equally fun, and you get to find out which riders are fags in the winter too
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