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Everything posted by fredrico

  1. Alot of my friends have them and they vary from 6mm up to 16mm. They all said it hurts getting it stretched for the first 1-2 stages but from then on it doesnt hurt
  2. fredrico

    Picture War

    Daleks can not go up stairs
  3. That video is awesome and when you drag that guy along anyway hi and welcome to the forum
  4. fredrico


    Tonight ive been thinking how p**sed off i am becuase i can not go to the dj ride tomoz
  5. Dunno if i am going anymore my frames snapped and i can not be arsed to sit there and watch everyone ride, anyways weather looks poo
  6. yup it does and the thing that annoyed me is i sorted the crank and hub and brake then this happens. owell im getting an onza t-rex
  7. i sing a song in my head then my friend comes along singing it and vice versa, freaky or what
  8. Nice i do prefer it with silver rims looks clean, and where did you get your silver Dx32 rim from? cheers
  9. Someone at my brothers college did that with pencils in the middle of an exam, sick thing was his friends helped him plan his suicide
  10. fredrico

    White Hubs?

    Aha you have the same idea as me, im think of getting those white rims but i dont think you can get white hubs so im getting silver, either way it will still look good with white or silver.
  11. I would choose a Moller Skycar M400 >>Link<<
  12. Simple solution get a grind
  13. I have just been reading the topics about chavs shooting at people with guns and started thinking what will Britain be like in 10 years. I mean people wave knives around already but now they are using guns what will it be like in 10 years? This is not the only problem for example, yesterday down my local skatepark a new shelter had just been put up so there was around 50-60 chavs hanging around when a policeman turned up. He got out his car and started walking over to the group which he then started to hide behind a bush, he slowly walked over and asked what he had to then almost ran away. Ok fair enough he was on his own but there have been 3 or 4 policeman turning up and then getting away as quick as possible, so whats going to happen if the police are scared to do anything then surely we have lost the battle already. I would be interested to know your view on this!
  14. I think steve (Heatsink) said its a restickered coust .
  15. Glad to hear you finaly got it even though it wasnt in a decent condition at least you got £126 to spend on new parts for your bike. Hope to see you in pompey sometime and have a lil go on this bike
  16. i'm jealous that is lush
  17. Unless your talented like me. I run the brakes the other way round, purely because i could not be bothered to swap the levers over but now i prefer it like it. I can also ride my mates bike fine. But like someone said before its down to personal preference
  18. The only 17t cog i found is this one which is £15 CLICK ME
  19. Would something like THIS work? It mounts straight onto any horizontal dropout.
  20. Yeh chavs probably have nicked it, last time there was ride on in pompey 2 chavs tried taking peoples bikes after some silly incidence but luckily a big guy stepped. But bad news about your bike
  21. In a video i have CLS sidehops to pedal four and a bit blue pallets above bar height.
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