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Rich J

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Everything posted by Rich J

  1. Yeah I'm not bothered about the distance its more the Bristol hills, I'd happily do it on what I've got but its got 4 (one that works) gears and none of them work on hills. Cheers guys I'll look around.
  2. My life just stopped for about 30 seconds while I took this in.
  3. Until now I've been riding an old roadie as a get around, short cycle rides and such. Yesterday got a job offer which would in essence allow for 100ish miles a week to be done if I felt like it, which I do. Any suggestions on where to get hold of decent second hand roadies or even fairly priced new perhaps, tried ebay and gumtree with the trouble being Im 6' 5". Lycra, Spd's? Never really cycled road more than 30 miles a week and its usually been flat, this route isnt.
  4. You need to do two things Spawnman. Stop being so bloody grumpy and go to youtube and search Ryan Leech.
  5. I meant as in why does it push employees to work harder over working in a similar role elsewhere. I've no idea how its broken down, I imagine it being a percentage of your total hours but working harder leads to more profit for the company which then comes back to you.
  6. You get a share of the profits at the end of the financial year. Perhaps think about why that is a benefit to employees?
  7. Expect discussions on customer service, what to do in situations and stuff. Just try to pipe up first but avoid interrupting.
  8. Depends how big you go I guess.
  9. Rich J


    I guess they were just assuming? I'm taking this from commentary mind. Agree it was tyres though.
  10. Rich J


    Apparently he got passed some drivers because they thought he was lapping them, still very well done!
  11. Rich J


    As much hate as he got, he definitely went to race not just to get round. 26 laps before the first overtake, Kimi managed 6 in 6 laps!
  12. I imagine you are like Adam in this
  13. Yeah I know what the site is, I meant that you drew.
  14. Nor mine. I've snapped normal chains but I'm guessing they don't count... (never snapped a half link, be it a whole chain or single link)
  15. Where abouts did they snap them though cause they do need more attention when rejoining. So let me guess youve not snapped one? And the 100% shit part, you be talking 100% shit.
  16. No. Google. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=spanish+bb+bmx&aq=f&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&authuser=0&ei=pEadUZbcGYjs0gXEj4GoAw&biw=1366&bih=624&sei=y0adUeuuGsvP0AW5-oG4Bg Every BB there has a cover spacer.
  17. I've already said this but on all spanish bb's ive seen there are spacers that cover the entire front of the bb. Just try one of those.
  18. This argument always confuses me. I'd love to know how many people have snapped halflinks, the plates that is, vs how many people just jump on.
  19. Depending on what exactly it is, I know clothing is quite hard to put protection on.
  20. The whip to manual, Im sure he was manualling before he even got both feet back on. And the bar to back bar was tight!
  21. Or that its simply at the front of the dropouts (which it is) and just needs pulling back?
  22. 8501 http://www.geoguessr.com?v=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%3D
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