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Everything posted by Walleee

  1. Your theory is right, but disc's are made of materials which can withstand the forces you mention. Have you ever heard of many disc's colapsing in the same way? I'd say no, because in practise it doesn't happen.
  2. Walleee

    Ignore :(

    It is a zoo, and it does look like a monty, thats why I think its the best looking zoo out there. See the Z on the back of the top tube? A monty wouldn't have that.
  3. Im afraid I don't run a disk myself but if your going to clean your rotor you'll most likely need to clean the pads too. I hear either blasting them with a blow torch or putting them in an oven is a good way of removing contaminants however, make sure you don't melt the plastic backing or whatever the pads are stuck to. I'd say take the rotor out and clean it with something which will displace oil, fairy liquid or maybe some cif with its grit-like particles, and scrub untill the disk is nice and clean, then rinse off with clean water. Ive also heard that the oils off one's fingers can affect breaking performance, so best not to hold the disk's braking surface. Best of luck.
  4. Stupid you?? Dismantelling the brake isn't going to fix it, perhaps find out the problem first of all. Have you tried tinkering with it lately or knocked it against anything? These things usually don't just break for no reason....
  5. QUOTE(deanie-b @ Jan 13 2006, 08:54 PM) ←Ok, Let's take a look at pro's and cons here Pro's: Doesn't physically remove rim material PROBABLY doesn't kill pads as fast as a grind. PROBABLY works better than a grind, Due to larger surface area Con's: Not many people have access to tools like lathe's Grinding is PROBABLY easier on a rim I still favour a grind, Although at the moment i'm running vees, Immense What?
  6. The only way to dent the rim significantly,(That is what your doing, lots of very small dents) is to crank the vice hard. Yes, you do compress it, but it is the taking away of material which increases the friction between the brake pad and the rim, you are trying to achieve as rough a surface as possible. Again, not worth your time unless you have a rim sized, circular vice, along with a circular bit of wood to put between the sidewalls to stop them falling apart. Im not trying to shit on you, good idea, but not worth the time or hassle when a grind will suffice in two minutes......
  7. That last topic was a hoot, the big b got owned. Its not a knurl, is not a grind. Your idea isn't going to make breaking that much better, rim sidewalls are much softer than steel, so you risk damaging them. The idea with a grind is that you create a surface onto which your brake pad will stick. I can't see how a vice would do that effectively. EDIT: I do see you point. but its just so much more hassle than grinding, your going to have to open the vice and close it as well as move your bit of wood every 5-6 inches unless you have a huge custom built vice which is circular and the same size as your wheel.. Also, I just realised that guy the big b registered two days before the conclusion of that topic, acted like an ass, and hasnt been on since! Pity he hasnt left any contact details, it seems that he wont have got to see the definition of grinding.......
  8. Walleee

    Pc And Mac?

    I wish users could delete their own post's...
  9. Walleee

    Pc And Mac?

    Following the PC or Mac thread I decided to have a quick look around the interweb to see just how much Mac's are going for these days. I've found an old Imac 233mhz for £55, in good condition and running without a problem. I recently got a new PC, so im not going to be using exclusively a mac, infact I might end up using it very rarely. My younger brother has just started secondary school and needs something for typing up projects and also could do with a bit of internet access. Mainly what im wanting to know, without having to go to a gayo computer forum, is would the aforementioned Imac be suitable for word processing, Internet Browsing, and perhaps a bit of music playing along with MSN and perhaps a filesharing program? Having an internet connection at the minute, i'd hope to perhaps get a wireless network on the go and simply share the internet connection, is this something that can be done between a PC and an Imac, and if so, how difficult is it to do? Ideally i'd be asking 2+1 nick this on MSN, but I havn't seen him online in a few days...
  10. Yeh man my Rear wheel is like that too, I believe the non-drive saide is done 'Radially' but havn't a clue about the drive side. Regardless, all you need is a spoke key and the ability to find out where the buckle is. If the wheel bumps to the left every revolution, find the area that goes to the left and tighten the spokes connected to the right hand side of the hub(around the buckle), pulling the wheel true again. Best to do this in very small steps until you know exactley what your doing. Or if you can, do it on a friend's/siblings/shitty old wheel before you go destroying your wheelbuild. Does anyone know the reasons or advantages between differant spoke patterns?
  11. 4-5 months is long? Try 3-4 years.
  12. Walleee


    umm, are you sure your looking at the right bike? Your saying a levelboss looks the same as the 20" mod? Even the 26" doesnt look like a levelboss from what I can see...... unfortunately the aorta website is down but look I dont recall seeing a seat tube like that on the aorta?
  13. The thing is kiddo, you're causing more hassle for yourself than anyone else has. I just had a look through your previous posts (not all of them just most recent) and to be honest it seems like your making a mountain out of a mole hill. There must be 5 or 6 posts there that may not have been you, so what? Im sure you have changed your password allready so why perpetuate this bullshit?
  14. Twat yourself, he asked didn't he? If he can't take it he shouldn't have. Also, I had totally forgot about the ignore button, so thanks for that! I think it may be put to good use....
  15. Exactly, but how does anyone know his password anyway? Perhaps all this could have been avoided if he kept his private password, private.....
  16. Perhaps because im a user of this forum.... If it shouldn't have been closed in the first place you should have been able to get it re-opened.....
  17. I saw this on channel 4 tonight and thought it might have struck a chord with a few after I heard mention of rhyl... My thought's go to the family's of those injured and to the driver.
  18. I've had trouble, thats two threads you've started tonight about someone else using your account and I don't give a shit. Why dont you just get in touch with an admin or mod and find out the IP of the person?
  19. My muscles are bigger than all yours.
  20. Is it stable or is it a beta version? I'll have one in return for a gmail invite, provided its stable, I couldn't be arsed with something thats gonna crash every 10 minutes or something....
  21. I got my new bike today and snap! my back is killingme. In one way its a good feeling becuase I havnt used them muscles since I stopped and the sensations of those muscles being used is aomething exciting, but the god damn pain afterwards is gay. It's time for a smoke and bed I think.
  22. Shit one, I liked that frame from your video's, and couldn't understand why you were getting an ashton but I guess you kinda need it now. How long are you going to be bikeless for?
  23. Bummer, I guess your stuck with it, so my advice about doing it on something else and the fact that trials is boring to write about isn't of much use. Post up what you have allready and well see what we have to work with...
  24. What about that message? What's a pro pro por? £30 for an hours worth of box shaped polishing or sheet? Tubes polished twice? Hot bath? Built in an hour??? What the f**k are you trying to say man. Get it together. Wouldn't, 'The cost of materials and tooling to achieve a polished finish would basically equate to the differance between the polished, and painted frame.' suffice?
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