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Everything posted by MikeCottTrials

  1. Horrific needle sticking into knee and then swelling fluid extraction followed by steroid injection. Feels better but I did not enjoy that. If it gets me knee back to quarter back functioning status then it's all worth it, call me Tony Hawk
  2. You might be right, but I find it worrying that it'll just make us all become more dependant on 'being plugged in'. Never cool
  3. Basically last Wednesday I woke up with a slightly strange feeling knee, since then it got slowly worse until about Saturday when it hit maximum weirdness. As of then it's remained the same, possibly slightly better. The symptoms are swelling and loss of full range of motion, no pain at all however. There is however a slight blip, I did go out on Thursday night and cannot exactly remember whether it was wednesday or thursday that the pain began...so it's possible I hurt myself and have no memory of doing so. I'm going to the doctor tomorrow, but if anyone has experienced anything similar, please share
  4. Turns out he didn't die doing what he loved, jumped off a balcony aiming at a pool and landed on the concrete.
  5. First reaction was, f**k me those jumps are HUMONGOUS! Second reaction was, please stop before you injure yourself. Third reaction was, you are bringing this together nicely and it's insanely impressive. Sad to hear about what happened to him, the man definitely died doing what he loved. There's space for him in my memory.
  6. Stretching isn't proven to be beneficial, I was reading that it can actually damage the muscle further causing recovery time to be longer... You don't want doms to last longer than it has to
  7. Yeah but I mean come on, all it'll be to him is a name. I could understand if maybe he thought he knew the guy PUNN ANYYYYYY!
  8. How can a person be that bothered about the tiniest bunnyhop that appears for less than a second on an advert that they need to make a thread. You need some poon
  9. Shame to see you end the career, seems to be the way of things though
  10. Don't know if anyone remembers my saga. But she just called me to talk for an hour, then followed it up with ohhh you should just come to mine this weekend... Just because she put me through hell does not mean I an a belt that will simply buckle. At this point I don't know what to do but the one thing I will not be doing is running back to her
  11. Wow! That was the best trials video I've seen in such a long time. I actually wish I rode with you so I could even think of trying some of that stuff
  12. In the end everyone is out for themselves. Give the girl a throbbing
  13. Is someone trying to make a pancake? Because we've got a tosser here. The very idea of a video is to show case things in your life which you think are impressive ergo ego. The two are synonymous, one in the same. You can't separate them without destroying them both. Natty is shit to watch
  14. If we'd filmed hobo at hobo drop gap...this could have been something special
  15. Haha it's funny when you have enough burning will to do ANYTHING the best thing to do is nothing... I'm lining a girl up for now, I'm hoping having a smash on something else will give me other issues to contemplate. Thanks for the advice guys, if anything further occurs I'll likely return
  16. These are all things that have run through my mind, I realised almost the before I finished the first phone call I should have gone to see her. It's too late for that now though so I'm dealing with the situation as it is. Are we basically advising me to not text her again? Or does anyone have a master plan about how I should play this shit? I'm tempted by two options, either leave it a few days then text her my best material OR leave it and hope I see her about when I go back to uni and I'm able to lever the situation open. The second option scares me though because I don't want the trail to go cold...but then again there could be no trail at all
  17. To be honest I already thought that, but it's not what I want to believe
  18. Basically guys realised I wanted my ex back a month or so ago. We broke up after about 3 weeks of the summer hols from Uni. I went a bit mental when I realised this and called her to tell her how I felt, it went VERY luke warm, she said she needed to think about it for a day. Called her again the next day, she wanted more time again... called again the next day, she basically said she didn't want to meet up. Destroyed me completely, so I've spent a while just being a complete homo. For the most part I've managed to stop contacting her, but every now and then I break and send her a text with some stupid comment in. The text I last sent was intended to be me drawing the line and saying to myself ok that's it close the book, it read like this: "Trying to get employed in a pub for uni! f**k knows why I keep texting someone that cares not, attempt to make this the last one " Now considering she hasn't replied to me in anyway since I rang her last I expected nothing, But what I actually got was this: "I don't mind, text me if you want x" Now I don't know what to think, has she cracked? began to crack? Or am I reading way to much into it? f**k knows
  19. Yeah war is definitely an appropriate comparison you pillock
  20. The riding isn't all that bad, the music...there's no way that's music
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