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Everything posted by omgnoseat

  1. I might be starting a trial demo team with a friend. We have no name yet, but I've been working on a logo for funs. Which one do you guys like best? Small detail: The "bones" under the skull are actually allen keys Going to make some other stuff without freewheels and wheels later. Anyone has any idea's to share?
  2. This is about as short as it gets, and the bb ain´t that high aswell! You just need some riser bars and a higher stem or use some spacers.
  3. What do you with clips in the same file? I'm guessing your coding on the timeline instead of an external as file? Thats always a bad plan, creates a mess!
  4. Thanks I'd wish! This was in tilburg. Been traveling to different cities each week to train and it has really improved my riding. Haarlems shitty spots is holding me from progressing. There is a meeting in scheveningen soon btw, check out biketrial.nl Thanks alot I'll ask my friend next time I see him.
  5. Hey guys, A friend of mine took some high fps video's during a ride, nothing big but it is a great learning experience for me to see what I'm doing wrong in such high detail. My technique isn't perfect, but my movements are pretty exaggerated so it might a nice observation for some techniques.
  6. Should I already hump my stem at that point, not after the take off like I do?
  7. As the title suggests, I need some help on my gapping technique. Gaps have always been my worst skill, about time I do something about it. Here's an example, it's a dropgap but that shouldn't make a difference. Seems like i'm putting al my power in it, but the distance isn't that incredible. It feels like i'm doing something wrong at the preload, but can't lay my finger on it. Any suggestions or criticism is welcome!
  8. Been following his video's, very impressive. Aspect ratio ruins it though Made me stop watching in 7 seconds.
  9. I´m getting into game design, following a minor at school now aswell. Proper physics is hard though, especially if you want the rider to move realistically. Might give it a go something without a rider on the bike
  10. Who else was dissapointed that danny didn't do the high rail gap?
  11. Thanks guys. Feel more comfortable about riding it now aswell. Not afraid that it can collapse every second
  12. Phew, feels good to hear that. Anyone else any comforting words?
  13. Hello, I just cut my fork steerers since I bought a new stem. I cut them pretty straight and am worried if it's safe to use now.. I can't really get them any shorter to adjust it anymore now Should I be worried or is it fine?
  14. Thanks, they're in ! Unfortunately scratched up my new bars because I twisted it alot I really prefer the old stem system.. can't be good for the clamps to stretch them that much.
  15. Hello, Purchased a try-all 3D stem and some new bars. I can't seem to fit the bars in though, they get stuck at the thicker bend of the bars. Any good way to get them in? I don't feel comfortable bending the clamps too much. Thanks.
  16. Your style is great, reminds me a lot of rick koekoek. Especially how you sit on the back wheel. Good job
  17. You mean the dennis system?! (it's always sunny in philadelphia show) D-Demonstrate Value (Show the woman you wish to seduce your high status. Sound familiar?) E-Engage Physically (Sleep with her asap to set a physical tone for the relationship.) N-Nurturing Dependence (Make her rely on you. Dennis encourages slashing her tires so she needs rides.) N-Neglect Emotionally (Once she’s slept with you, pull away to make her question her self-worth.) I-Inspire Hope (Build her back up by saying you only left because you fell too hard and too quickly for her.) S-Separate Entirely (Bail once you’ve slept with her a few more times.) Anyway, backing off is the most stupid thing you can do. Girls are not forgiving. Let her know you care (through actions, don't directly talk about it) and give her time to get over it. Listen to the love songs, love takes time to heal
  18. The base is a lot more "you" than the karbon
  19. The only thing I hate about the frame is that the chainstay area doesn´t have any cnc parts like the 24" and 26" have. To weight also sounds dangerously light. Still hoping for a 20" copy of the new pirahna!
  20. I don't think I need to change the bars that often, so thats a one time problem only. More interested in the performance strength/stiffness wise. But thanks anyway, will take it in consideration
  21. Hello, I'm currently running a monty PR stem and it has always felt kind of gimmicky for some reason. Thinking of getting a new stem with the same geometry. Is there a lot of difference in performance (as far as a stem can perform ) in higher end stems? I'm having trouble deciding between these 3, since they all have the same geometry and are around the same price: http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/20_inch_stems/rockman_forged_with_top_cap/c29p11379.html http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/20_inch_stems/vz_welded_2011/c29p11465.html http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/20_inch_stems/tryall_3d_forged_with_top_cap/c29p11072.html Hard to find any difference Edit: I see that the viz is welded, while the rockman and try-all are forged. What exactly is the difference? Thinking about the future, how would the geometry be on a newer frame, like the echo 2011 where the bb rise is upped quite a bit? Should I maybe consider a longer stem or can I can compensate for the high bb with spacers? Thanks !
  22. Pretty sure everyone heard by now. For those who didn't: An insanely intense earthquake hit the Northern Coast of Japan on March 11, 2011 at rush hour, causing a huge tsunami.The massive 8.9 earthquake happened at rush hour Friday, causing a massive tsunami that was watched live by millions around the world as it happened. Aftershocks rocked Japan, the largest being a 7.4. Here are some impressive(ly sad) pictures i've found: http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2011/03/massive_earthquake_hits_japan.html So very sad to see, amazing how these disasters always feel unexpected while we know that they're always lurking.
  23. I liked the riding, it seemed very "real" for some reason. But the music makes it feel very wannabe-ish and completely ruined it ! Didn't go with the video very well.
  24. omgnoseat

    Gap Help

    Exactly! It don´t think your gapping technique is that bad, there could always be improvements, but thats not why you are failing. You just need to get more comfortable at them by doing them a lot and slowly moving up. I also think the sidewards stuff is complete bullshit, thats something english riders tend to do a lot, but isn´t necessary at all. Just do what your comfortable with. Marco grosenik has about the perfect forward gapping technique: http://www.youtube.com/user/omgnoseat#p/u/9/dJfD6hMbIm4 1:12
  25. Thats the cool grandpa I want to be for my grandchildren, should I ever get them
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