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Everything posted by Billy

  1. Billy

    Drum Kits

    Only if you have infinite budget!! Well, if £300 is your budget, you'll be best looking on ebay for a kit complete with cymbals and hardware. Pearls probably your best bet on that front
  2. The only thing I can think of looking at it, is your stem looks pretty small
  3. Billy

    Drum Kits

    Ah you're right, its Ddrum. £389 - http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/options.php?id=73210
  4. Billy

    Drum Kits

    The drummer in my band got a DW (top drawer stuff) for £300, from GAK. I think. It's a beautiful drumkit, 24" kick, rack and two floor toms, matching snare, and I THINK he got some hardware with it too. You'd need to buy cymbals too, you can get decent starter sets for about £200, Zildjian or Sabian. I know Tama and Pearl do nice starter kits too, but if you want one that sounds AND looks the dog's bollocks, go for the DW
  5. Ahhh, thats so nice! How long are they? Or more specifically, how long do they feel?
  6. Billy


    1060 sounds a bit much for a mod I think! I'm probably gonna go for either the Ko KM-1 or the '08 Typhoon, once people have established how well it rides.
  7. Billy


    I'll have to have a little go on yours before I decide then Sean!
  8. Billy

    Bt Raven 8.0

    I think it looks shit hot built up, but frame only, I wasn't a fan at all.
  9. Billy


    Reeto! Cheers for that. I've always loved the look of the Ko's. Theyre the same geo more or less as the pythons, are they not?
  10. Billy


    So, its either the Zona, Python, or what about the '08 Typhoon? I love that frame, but I'd never get the stock one (eurgh geo) Judging by the geo given on Tarty, would that possibly feel long? Depending on my stem setup?
  11. Billy


    Basically, I haven't rode properly for months, I just can't seem to get motivated at all, and whenever I can riding, I'm always doing something. I always had loads of fun booming about on my mates little GU, so I think I'm gonna get me a mod for a while. I'm lanky as I don't know what, so I'm thinking I'm gonna need something long. The longest mods I've found are... Python KO-bikes A3 Would anyone recommend one over the other? I'm hopefully gonna start this in the new year sometime, probably from second hand bits apart from the frame, unless I find the frame I want second hand! Hopefully I'll be able to recycle my... Cranks/BB (Echo 170s/128 Square) 203 BB7 Bars (Old ZOO!s) So, tallying all that up, how much do you reckon I'm looking at for a decent specced mod? Should go FFW/fixed rear or get a Profile? Cheers for any help in advance. I can't wait to get out riding again!
  12. I'm not a big gamer, but I do have a 360. I'd say get Bioshock first.
  13. Exactly what I was thinking! You couldn't pay me to own a Jem.
  14. f**king EPIC pedalboard! I'll stick a photo of up of my stuff soon Ibanez AX32 w/ Kent Armstrong Super D's Fender US Fat Strat, my wife. Tanglewood Acoustic for fingerstyling, was about £700! Fender Princeton Chorus And a few pedals! Oh, a Roland Juno-6 too, and a Xylophone
  15. Looks swish enough, but I doubt its gonna be worth it, especially not selling Koxx, of all brands.
  16. Billy


    I know theres a way of doing it from myspace, the un-downloadble songs. It's a plug-in you can download for Firefox.
  17. That place looks really beautiful, especailly for riding!
  18. Buy a Bike Merlin and before they moved, I could see Tarty from my bedroom window (/thread)
  19. Brilliant! Where can you get hold of a copy?
  20. I personally couldn't care less whether England got through or not, I'm really not a bit fan of football. What I don't understand though, is why it was Steve Mclarens fault? It wasn't him playing the game was it?
  21. Is it just me, or did they get the front and back wheels mixed up?
  22. Yep! There does seem to be a load of riders appearing out of nowhere round here.
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