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Another one for the social reject bin.

Have a nice life, whoever you are.

Its basically like saying, "I'm running away from home and i'm never coming back"

No one gives a shit to be honest.

Edited by elcristoff-t-pro
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Cya Liam.

If you ever decide to come back, try and make a little more effort.

There's loads of spellcheckers you can use on the internet.

bye im leving this forum now so thank to the people how has helped me. thanks

Probably a little geeky of me, but I'm waiting for a mix to export to MP3 so I have time. If you wanted to get validated and be liked on the forum this is what it would have taken:

"Bye, I'm leaving this forum now. Thanks to the people who helped me. Thanks again."

Really not that tough - in fact it took me about 9 seconds to edit that.

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