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I Can't Believe People Actually Believe This...

Mark W

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The little atheist story is classic, and i though i was stereotypical towards chavs etc... but i'm not that bad.

Oh this is funny. On the topic of evoloution

"4.how come we cant speak monkey"

Shit i can't speak spanish, they must not be humans then. ^_^

Sorry i could quote all day from this but wtf.

"Deoxyribonucleic Acid, for example... sounds impressive, right? But have you ever seen what happens if you put something in acid? It dissolves! If we had all this acid in our cells, we'd all dissolve! So much for the Theory of Evolution, Check MATE!"

Edited by yoyoyo
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I detest preachers. You should keep your shit to your f*cking self. It's fact, these people do not know what they're talking about. God is a silly idea, and if such a rediculous idea were real (which it isn't) then a being as all powerful and wise as 'God' would not condemn it's creations for exercising their own free will which was a gift given to them to exercise in the first place. These people are blinded by their own self-absorbed and insane ideas.

F*ck anybody here who ever throws something at a gay person, says someone deserved to be raped because they were alone, tells their children that they will go to hell for feelings they can't control, preaches their own stupid ideas to people who don't care and finally - f*ck anyone who can't get on with their own miserable life without making things harder for other people.

oh how much i want to join that forum and post that! :lol:

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End of the day, it might sound horrifically strange, but our opinions are just as strange to them! I'm guessing most of the forum members from that site are from some quiet little state in America where religion is the basis of everything, simply because they know nothing else.

People on here mention free will, which is exactly what they are doing...but trying to control other peoples lives in the process, but isn't that just religion all over? Their views are no more extreme than any other religion...ones that ban women from showing their face, that force their children into marriage, stop them eating meat.

Also mentioned is their opinions of science, though much of science is based on theory, not proven facts. This leave many issues of science open for argument, usually until the next best theory comes along.

And no, I'm not religious in any shape or form. But for someone to preach against people preaching, and the lack of 'free will' when agruing another persons 'free will' is just ironic.

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"Make sure your answer uses Scripture, not logic."

cdevidal, CARM [Comments (66)] [2007-Apr-01] Submitted by Elizabeth

That pretty much sums up Religion for me, they are living their lives based on a story written in scripture. I believe religion was just created to constrain the immoral and injust and give order to great numbers of people. Unfortunately, in light of all scientific evidence and proof over hundreds of years of how things on Earth and in the Universe came to be, there are still people like those that need to be brought back to reality. I mean ffs some of those posts are sick, its like they dont even care about the true point of their religion and some are twisting the bible to be perverse, such as the man talking about how God would allow a man to get sexual pleasure from somebody as young as a baby. It really annoys me how people can be so ignorant and set in their ways, I mean I have listened to what they have to say and I do believe that some Christians and other religious people have benefitted so much from having a faith, and fair play to them. But when people like these instantly condemn science and logic it just proves to me that they have been so twisted and distorted by their beliefs that they are in denial and ignorance of any kind of threat to what they see as right.

Edited by Luke Drewery
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That makes me hate the mere suggestion of religion even more, good luck to the next jehovah's witness that comes to my door. And I resent being labelled as an 'Atheist', in my eyes being called this still accepts the possibility of a god, and it's just something I personally don't belive in. I am nothing, and I refuse to be put into any sort of religious category, be it believer or non-believer. Sorry but Fcuk God and all his followers, it's things like that, that make me want to rip my hair out. Why is it that they are allowed to write down things like that and get away with it? But say for example we were all to start writing how Christians should be shot/burnt/drowned etc.. we would be sent down for religious hate crimes... GRRRRRRRR

Edit: Just found this....

"A man can have sexual pleasure from a child as young as a baby. However he should not penetrate, sodomising the child is OK. If the man penetrates and damages the child then he should be responsible for her subsistence all her life. This girl, however does not count as one of his four permanent wives. The man will not be eligible to marry the girl's sister. "

Are you f**king kidding me? And they're condoning this sort of thing..

Edited by James
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[on the sunject of a Bible printing company]

Yes, that is a great company. I bought one of their large print version (old eyes... what can I say?).

The only thing I don't like about them is they sell foreign language versions of the KJB. I don't think that's right. We know the only true translation is the 1600's version in English.

It's too risky for anybody to translate that into other languages. Mistakes can creep in... and that can lead to heresy. True Christians should only read English.

Funny that as Jesus was know as ''King of the Jews'', where was it he was born again..Nazareth, Bethlehem? I don't remember his extended stay in the Cotswolds.


When two guy's have sex they can only penetrate eachother through the crack which I think is disgusting because of all the crap that's in there. They both must face the same direction and thus one guy's twig and berries will be projecting from the two. Because no man has a vagina they can't become one flesh when having normal sex.

Women don't have Jimmy and his two buddies hanging around so they can't naturally penetrate eachother and become one flesh.

Oral with dudes can't be natural because the legs will be poking out from different directions as will the ladies if they participate in oral sex.

Oral with the opposite sex still isn't natural because you still have the leg issue and often someone is further down if they are not on top of eachother.

Anal with opposites is still excluded from natural sex because once again your are sticking your think in a crap hole and a womans tits are usually projecting outward.

When the Bible is speaking of becoming one flesh it literally means that there is nothing sticking out in the clear and that the man and woman are facing eachother. Face to Face.

Why is it that these so called 'clean' god loving Christians are so pre-occupied with the 'filth' of sex almost to the poit of obsession, theres something seriously unsetteling about it.

Edited by Matthew62
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'I can sum it all up in three words: Evolution is a lie'

they cant even count!


Who else thinks it would be funny if every single one of us on trials forum joined that forum and posted a link to Zeitgeist.

I think every one of us should sign up to the christianity forum and tell them how wrong they all are.

Thats really really REALLY ignorant of some people "Science is just a load of bollocks" how the hell?! these people must seriously be stupid. Just been watching Ricky Gervais live and his view on aethism is funny

"God works in mysterious way, see you later....."


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And I resent being labelled as an 'Atheist', in my eyes being called this still accepts the possibility of a god, and it's just something I personally don't belive in. I am nothing, and I refuse to be put into any sort of religious category, be it believer or non-believer. Sorry but Fcuk God and all his followers[\quote]

Come on? What kind an argument is that? No one is catagorizing you, you're catagorizing them.

Just because you don't believe in 'God', what exactly gives you the right to class it as completely 'non-exisitant'? Religion is not all bad, for millions of people it gives hope...many people in prisons, hospitals or whatever 'find God' because its something to uphold and gives a sense of belonging/community.

Of course, some of the comments made on that forum are simply unacceptable. Don't get me wrong, I'm not supporting what is said, the fact is many people are reading this and assuming thats what all religious folk are like. I think it goes without saying that these people are mormons! Not under rule by modern society; don't believe everything you see on TV with mormons living in candle lit rooms, churning butter for entertainment.

I'm not arguing with you James, I think that your post contradicted yourself.

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'I can sum it all up in three words: Evolution is a lie'

they cant even count!

Is isn't a real word, it's short for innit, innit!

I suppose it's all to do with brainwashing, not matter how ludicris all of these ideas are, they still see them as right because they've been told to see them as right. I have looked in the bible at the little quote things (you know, chapter 23, Johnathon, line 8) or whatever and some of them make me sick, eg.: "People can make all kinds of plans, but only the Lord's plans will happen" It's like what the f--k?! It just seems to be a massive suck up.

The reason i'm so against the idea of some sort of 'God' is because I hate the fact people think there is someone so much more powerful than us, always watching over us. I feel, as a person, that we're all equal, and i'm as powerful as the most powerful person out there.

EDIT: Just looked on eth forum where Ash wrote, and some guy replied (after Ash said he wasn't some sort of illiterate child)

"I'm glad you pointed out that you weren't illiterate, I couldn't tell for sure.

Seriously guy, use a freakin' spell check or have someone look it over first. You're trying to tell me you are 16 and you can't or won't use capital letters and punctuation? "ive"? Really? This---> "I've" is too much work for you to get your point across?"

That pissed me off so much, PLEASE reply to that saying the 'i've' wasn't the start to a new sentence, it was a carry on from the very first line in the post!

Edited by James-M
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And I resent being labelled as an 'Atheist', in my eyes being called this still accepts the possibility of a god
Do you mean atheist or agnostic? Agnostic means you haven't made up your mind/ you're not sure. Atheist means you categorically do not believe in God.

I guess if you believe blindly in God without questioning anything, instead of believing in science, then you might think the bible was 'correct' in everything it says literally. But that's just daft - there are plenty of Christians who believe in science and use the bible as a guide, not to be taken too literally. Which makes some sense if you're the kind of person that needs that faith. I wouldn't ever think anyone was strange for believing in it, if it helps them or makes their life better in some way.

But it just doesn't doesn't make sense to me at all. I remember sitting in church when I was really young - about 6 - and just thinking to myself that it was all a load of rubbish, and that's pretty much how I stand now. But I'd say I was agnostic, I don't believe in a Christian God but I also don't think science has disproved the possibility of some kind of higher being. How did we get here? What would it be like if there was just nothing in the universe? I can't answer those questions so maybe there is something else.

don't believe everything you see on TV with mormons living in candle lit rooms, churning butter for entertainment.

I thought that was the Amish? The Mormons are the ones who have branches that are basically bults, they make loads of money out of it.

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Thats just funny shit right there ^^^

Here's my little view on religeons. 1000's of years ago People were getting smarter all the time and starting to make little villages and stuff like that, Most people could get along and help eachother but there were a few people that were basically little shits. So basically people invented this god person to keep people in line, anything that couldn't be explained was said that it ws god that did it. You've got to remember that people 1000's of years ago worked out the Earth was round, the route it took and the patterns of other solar systems, they were far from unintelegent. Anyway things just grew and whenever they ran into some sort of problem a story was told with a moral etc. The problem is though is that this has gone on for 1000's of years and storys get changed things get translated incorrectly and misinturpreted (how ever you spell that). Everyone should know whats right and wrong naturally to an extent.

I think the meaning of god is that god is everything, its not a man in a white robe with a beard, its not a being up in the heavens its "nature". You have your own choices but if something is going to happen it will happen there's no getting out of it. The fact is things can only happen once and everything thats going to happen will happen. A lot of it is predictable some of it you'd never see coming.

I don't believe in "time" to me its just something man invented to keep track of things and keep in a routine. The human brain isn't capeable of understanding everything somethings just happen and just work not everything needs an explination. To me the universe never started its just always been here because there is no such thing as time. It had to have always been here because otherwise where was it in the first place? If you try and imagin that the universe never had a begining your brain dosen't want to accept it. In my opinion there was no begining and there will be no end.

If you think of everything as "god" then god did create us and god controls what we do. If you throw a brick at a window and it bounces back and hits you in the head then thats god showing you that you are a little shit and deserved it. I see life as a chain reaction everything you've done since you were born has lead you to reading this thread. Everything your parents did in their lives lead them to giving birth to you. IT all goes back like that forever. Now you're going to think "Well how can it? because it must have started somewhere?" Thats the point where your brain isn't big enough to understand. The universe is unlimited you're brain is of a certain size.

I don't know if any of what i've said is right but it makes sence to me. I'm pretty crap at putting things into words aswell so I hope everyone can understand what i'm getting at.

This is the conversation I love having when i've had a few shandys ha ha ha ha.

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Its people like these that constantly remind me how absolutly stupid the majority of inhabitants of our planet reallly are.


As for those who havent seen zeitgeist, the bible/god etc are merely used as visual representations (again so the stupid people stand more of a chance of understanding) of the solar system and more importantly astronomy. I cant even be bothered to explain this argument, I feel that if you actually physically beleive in god... you really are incredibly simple.

Edited by br3n
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Do you mean atheist or agnostic? Agnostic means you haven't made up your mind/ you're not sure. Atheist means you categorically do not believe in God.

It's hard to explain on here how passionately I am against absolutely everything to do with religion, the mere idea of it makes me fume. I'm also thouroughly against the idea of people forcing their beliefs on me. So I do catagorically not believe in 'god', and when I say I dont want to be called an Athiest, or anything for that matter it's becuase by labelling myself that, it still has something to do with religion. It accepts that I personally dont believe in it, but that other people do... thus creating the possibility that in my mind it might exist, if only for other people. And I dont. An easier way of putting it would be... Someone religious would be a 'god believer', I would therfore be a 'non-god believer'.. and it pisses me off that I have to be labelled as anything to do with god or religion. Does that make any sense? Usually comes out better in the pub after a few.

Edited by James
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It's hard to explain on here how passionately I am against absolutely everything to do with religion, the mere idea of it makes me fume. I'm also thouroughly against the idea of people forcing their beliefs on me. So I do catagorically not believe in 'god', and when I say I dont want to be called an Athiest, or anything for that matter it's becuase by labelling myself that, it still has something to do with religion. It accepts that I personally dont believe in it, but that other people do... thus creating the possibility that in my mind it might exist, if only for other people. And I dont. An easier way of putting it would be... Someone religious would be a 'god believer', I would therfore be a 'non-god believer'.. and it pisses me off that I have to be labelled as anything to do with god or religion. Does that make any sense? Usually comes out better in the pub after a few.

Agnostic is the term you are looking for


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Agnostic is the term you are looking for

No, it's not. The definition of the term agnostic is -

'One who holds the theory that God is unknown or unknowable' or 'Someone who claims that they do not know or are unable to know whether God exists.'

It's not that im undecided or unsure, I am in my own mind, 100% sure there is no such thing as God, and religion is a farce. The point im trying to make is that I dont want to be labelled as a non-believer as it still has to do with religion. It irritates me that in this day and age, this rediculous thing called religion means that you are labelled as one of two things.. as I mentioned before, a believer or a non-believer. Which signifies that religion is something important and somehow the basis of existance, and to me, it isnt.

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It's hard to explain on here how passionately I am against absolutely everything to do with religion, the mere idea of it makes me fume. I'm also thouroughly against the idea of people forcing their beliefs on me. So I do catagorically not believe in 'god', and when I say I dont want to be called an Athiest, or anything for that matter it's becuase by labelling myself that, it still has something to do with religion. It accepts that I personally dont believe in it, but that other people do... thus creating the possibility that in my mind it might exist, if only for other people. And I dont. An easier way of putting it would be... Someone religious would be a 'god believer', I would therfore be a 'non-god believer'.. and it pisses me off that I have to be labelled as anything to do with god or religion. Does that make any sense? Usually comes out better in the pub after a few.

I know what you're saying but it's a funny argument. By that logic I could say that black is like white because black is the absense of white :turned:

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Religion can eat a bowl of dicks as far as i'm concerned. Bunch of tards with nothing else to believe in so they follow the sheep as usual. Thick f**ks. Being homosexual shortens your life span? Who made that one up? Strong views call for strong replies.

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