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Old News, But Still.... Wtf.


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Unless he was licking his lips or had his cock out, then there's more than a few explanations... either that or he is a paedo, but what makes him stand-out? How many dirty english men do you see eyeing up kids? What makes this one note-worthy, is it because he's foreign and English girls are for English paedos?

But I guess the real question here is: How fit was she? ;)

First they steal our jobs then they steal our pedofiles children! :lol: On a more serious note he should respect our laws and cultures like their always banging on about we should do! :angry:

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There are so many good points in this post, here are some of my favourites....

Well, you're as narrow minded as the those you blindly follow in a media induced haze of fear and paranoia. Let me guess, you're also worried about immigrants coming over here and the thought that Britain might lose it's identity if we adopt the Euro and all end up sitting in Cafes all day eating 'jambon et pomme frites' and surrender at the first glimpse of a tank gun.

Brilliant! I really want to go to the Euro, not for my sake, but for international businessmen, like my dad.

In my experience, people like my Grandparents are racist. I don't know what paper they read, but by the sound of it, the Daily Mail.

My grandma was walking round Tk Maxx the other day and said "Ooh look at that, a nice little black family" I love her, she acted so surprised to see a black person, it was brilliant.

I saw some polish bloke eying up a like 13 year old girl today! :angry:

I'm sure it's not just the Polish who do that.

ME: Dad, what are you staring at?

DAD: I'm just watching that young girls bottom run past.


So it's not okay for me to look at say... a 15 year old girl and think, ooh shes quite hot, but it's okay for my dad to look at a girl my age, or a few years younger and to find her attractive? (For the record, I'm 20)

Is it a maturity thing or is it because when you turn 16 you become legally old enough to have sex or because when you're 18 you're "officially" an adult? I don't really understand.

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jon you can look but don't touch :P

I want to join the euro because it'll be much more simple I don't want to join the euro because everything will become more expesive and will take years to come down to normal prices again.

I do think that sometimes different religions single themselves out like you've especially picked on them by saying you don't believe in god.

most old people are racist and do things I wouldn't even dream of doing like wipe there hands after shaking a black persons hand, I asked my great granda what is was like going through world war 2 and he said it was strange because he knew what hitler was doing was wrong and he wanted the british to win indefinatly but at the same time he thought the world would perhaps be a better place if hitler had got his way because he wouldn't have the pesky jehovas coming to his door every five mins. lol

I like the polish and i think it's fine that they come over here because they can earn more the same as if i moved to abu dhabi i could earn 3 times a normal salary working in the oil, But they could have a little respect for some of our laws like drink driving and speeding and stuff.

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ffs :@ why let them do it before you know it muslims and pakistanis will be taking over they et well to much say in this country if they dont like it they should fook off for egzample (sp?) if we did it over there we would get told to fook off where is our goverment such a load of faggots :@

rant over.

That was seriously retarded. egzample? WTF.

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My own personal veiw is that the world would be such a better place if religion didnt exist.

I mean, Christians read from a book that is 2000 years old? How about we write a book and write "Holy Bible" on it, will they listen to what we write?

That is some seriously original shit. It's all true but it's an age old problem that will never go, it's as certain as death and taxes... that wasn't an original either. There is absolutely no point in trying to argue viewpoints or try to understand it, but people always try.

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Of course the world would be better without religion, but even then we'd find something to fight over and kill each other...

maybe these days we'd be better off without religion but despite all the bad stuff religion has been a driving force for a lot of good things - a lot of literature, philosophy and scientific advancement has been the work of priests/clerics under sponsorship of the various churches, not to mention all the church run hospitals curing people of weird tropical diseases over the last couple of hundred years.

a religion (or any other belief system) is only bad when used as a tool to spread hate and fear and manipulate idiots - most religious types are well meaning folk who make a positive contribution to the world, it's just the few bastards giving the rest of them a bad name.

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It wasnt me that quoted cummy you f**king moron, and when did i say my grandad was even white?

i was reffering to one job and on the basis of one caucasion going to saudi rather than 100s of thousands coming over here half of which i assume dont have jobs.

he was offered the job on the basis he was the best at it no one in that country could even do it he had the confidence and the skills and was quickly moved from the bottom to the top because of it, i assume youve mis quoted me but if you called my grandad f**king scummy in real life id literally put you in hospital, you moron regardless of who you are

was going to edit that then so i didnt sound like a yob but its the truth and id expect any self respecting person to do the same

chill it big boy

yes it was a misquote for which i apologise but i dont give a toss who your grandad is.

i was just using it as an example and if you dont want people chatting about your nearest and dearest don't give it loads of barry about them then.

got it?

you obviously know I cant have a valid opinion on someone like that as ive never met him, so why take it to heart.

Edited by feest
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one quick question...

Why do they blow themselves up, what exactly have we done?

me and my brother came up with the reason that the bombs come with only english instructions, and so when they're sat in a cafe, they look at the button and go.. 'i'm sure this is the off button...'


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a religion (or any other belief system) is only bad when used as a tool to spread hate and fear and manipulate idiots - most religious types are well meaning folk who make a positive contribution to the world, it's just the few bastards giving the rest of them a bad name.

I've never done this before, but... +1

Isn't there an expression that goes something like "There's no bad religions, just bad ideas done in their name"?

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My own personal veiw is that the world would be such a better place if religion didnt exist.

I mean, Christians read from a book that is 2000 years old? How about we write a book and write "Holy Bible" on it, will they listen to what we write?

That's retarded!

i think religion is a good idea

+1 (Y)

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