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Brake Pads Rubbing And Making Huge Screeching Noises When Riding Along

Daborn Meister

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Rubbing sorted, now i just have a huge screeching noise whilst riding along!

Also to losen my tpa do i turn it left or right?

I got some new brake pads the other day (Heatsink X-mas) and i have put them on correctly and made sure all the bolts are in the right place, but when i am cycling along my pads rub and my bike slows down, if my bike dosn't do that then it makes a huge screeching noise.

Help please!



i did use search and didnt find much.

Edited by Daborn Meister
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Is your wheel straight in the dropouts? If not set it straight before setting your brake.

Is your wheel straight? If its not and its buckled then you need to get it straightened before doing the above.

Brake pads should be set as close as you can get to the rim without them rubbing (if your wheel is buckled then you cant set them as close), they should both hit the rim perfectly square and preferably at the same time (however using the tpa will make one pad move before the other). The brake should always be set up with the tpa wound all the way out so that the pads are completely home before setting them. You will probably need to move the slave cylinders in the plastic washers in order to fit the new pads in.

Personally my pads are about 2-3mm away from the rim and the brake locks with the lever almost touching the bar (easier to hold the brake locked without causing cramp). I have an RB lever though which increases brake power but reduces pad movement so my pads need to be slightly close to the rim than with a standard magura lever - I guess you could get away with 3-5mm gap between the pads and the rim.

Edited by forteh
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The screaching noise is just the pads biteing and working, im guessing your new to the sport? youll find alot off pads will make a loud noise when the brake is applied some louder than others. Theres nothing you can do about it really.

About the tpa it should have a + and - sign on the leaver making it clear. But just turn it and find out if you turn it one way and the leaver comes more into the bar then its loosened off and the pads are further away and vice verser if you screw it the other way.

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The screaching noise is just the pads biteing and working, im guessing your new to the sport? youll find alot off pads will make a loud noise when the brake is applied some louder than others. Theres nothing you can do about it really.

About the tpa it should have a + and - sign on the leaver making it clear. But just turn it and find out if you turn it one way and the leaver comes more into the bar then its loosened off and the pads are further away and vice verser if you screw it the other way.

But i'm not braking when it is squeeking,

it does it randomly!


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But i'm not braking when it is squeeking,

it does it randomly!


is it a constant noise or just like random when the wheel goes round?

if its random your wheel is just slightly out of true so in one spot the wheel comes over to one side and rubs on your pad.

2 ways of solveing it are, set you pads slightly further way by undoing the bolts. The lever will come in more at the bar but it wont rub anymore.


useing a spoke key reture the wheel in that spot, if youve not done much at all with bikes it would proberly be a good idea to get a mate to do it who has. But if you do it yourself then; where the wheel moves over for example to the left then you want to tighten the spokes on the right thus pulling the wheel over or you can loosen the left spokes createing the same effect or bit of both. Best way to find the rubbing is just stand the bike on the bars spin the wheel and look closely at the brake pad and youll see the rim and where it moves sideways.

Edited by basher
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If you are new to bike maintence ect, just remember never over tighten things such as magura mount bolts, never force anything unless its obvious it needs to. And if your unsure stop and find out. Better to wait a while till you can fix it than force and be unsure and break a part. Youll get the hang of things eventually.

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If you are new to bike maintence ect, just remember never over tighten things such as magura mount bolts, never force anything unless its obvious it needs to. And if your unsure stop and find out. Better to wait a while till you can fix it than force and be unsure and break a part. Youll get the hang of things eventually.

Cheers Dude.


If you are new to bike maintence ect, just remember never over tighten things such as magura mount bolts, never force anything unless its obvious it needs to. And if your unsure stop and find out. Better to wait a while till you can fix it than force and be unsure and break a part. Youll get the hang of things eventually.

Cheers dude

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