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Nopogo Koxx Days Vid


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Cross post from OTN:

You will see :

- street session (thursday)

- animations (Flat, dirt...)

- competition (sunday)


19 minutes and 565mb... HD though so should be good. Just downloading now.

Edit: Damn it's slow to download...

Alternative link: http://videos.observedtrials.net/hosted/koxx_days_2008.avi

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Grr. Sorry peeps... will update if anyone on OTN uploads it somewhere that isn't a pile of french poo. I'm still getting it at 23kb/s but that link is truly aweful.

A download manager/accelerator would do it a lot quicker to be honest since it will just open up a shit load of connections all going at 23kb/s resulting in like your max download speed.

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A download manager/accelerator would do it a lot quicker to be honest since it will just open up a shit load of connections all going at 23kb/s resulting in like your max download speed.

any idea which one is the best?

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tis pretty good - although i missed the last minute off the end when it died while i was out riding ... pretty good - gilles looking gay some lairy stuff from paris and some pretty sketchy stuff in the rain.

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It's downloading, slowly. I've just watched the first 7 minutes though, it let met watch it which was nice.

So far I have noticed: The micro-scooter section is (as you might expect) really lame.

The guy on the unicycle is actually quite good...

Quality is nothing to write home about. It says it's in HD but it just looks like a normal video to me. Certainly not like that beasty TRAinHD vid.

The riding was pretty immense. The street section is basically Benito vs Vince, and they're pretty evenly matched. Totally different styles though - Benito looks really lazy and just floats everywhere, whereas Vince looks much rougher. He even looks slightly uncomfortable hopping on the back wheel. Noob.

Good video, looking forward to the rest (3 hours remaining >_< )

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http://videos.observedtrials.net/hosted/koxx_days_2008.avi is where it will eventually be (also...aswell as what boiiing is doing..)

thanks to matt on OTN...doesn't work yet either btw :(

I downloaded it, then auto play which was quicktime, it just came up it a black screen and silent :S

Anyone got that problem, i tried other programs and still didn't work.

Anyone help please?


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This is actually a really good video, and I think the OTN link is up now, so try that. It's worth it :)

I downloaded it, then auto play which was quicktime, it just came up it a black screen and silent :S

Anyone got that problem, i tried other programs and still didn't work

Use VLC, it plays anything.

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