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Tarty Wheel Builds


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I am looking for a second hand wheel on the forum, but think I might treat myself to a Brand New one off Tarty if nothing comes up soon!!!

Never bought a new wheel off Tarty before, just looking for some advice really on what they are like at building them??? Or where the best place is to get a wheel build???

Cheers Tom

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its great, i mine was a year and 4 months old when i stopped riding it, and thats because i went modstock.

needed usual trials maintenance, so tensioning and truing it a bit, but other than that it was great. though i'm sure it would have been a mega good build if it was a mavic rim instead of shitting tryalls and won't need any truing at all!


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The wheels I got on my bike from Tarty are the first set of wheels I've bought mail order that I haven't needed to disassemble and build properly myself. They even lined the hub logo up with the valve hole, which is unnecessary, but I always build mine that way :)... I stress relieved the wheels when I got them (4 months ago) and have done no trueing yet. The wheels are now slightly off true, but not even to the degree that it affects the Maguras yet... I'm about 14-15 stone and not the smoothest rider on the planet, though I don't usually do for wheels...

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This topic's a bit one-sided. Just to add some balance to all these amazing reviews - My back wheel is bent all over the shop. But I made it, maybe that's why...

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha good one.

Actually, CRC have a pretty good reputation for building wheels these days. But they must have several people on the job so it must be pot luck whether you actually get a good one.

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It's all down to the spokes in my opinion. A good wheelbuilder helps but if you haven't got decent spokes that wheel won't last. I'd say Tarty are no better at building wheels than Alan's. But the Alans wheelbuilder probably has a whole lot more experience than who ever does the Tarty ones. I did have a wheel built by Tarty a few years ago and it was a good job, i think i might have paid the extra bit on top? But i did see a pair of wheels on a guys bike in Bristol, they actually had hardly any tension at all. If it were a Try-All rim i'm pretty sure it would of folded.

It's easily an arguable topic so i'll stop there.

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Most long term wheel durability issues are down to whether the wheel is stress relieved or not after it has been tensioned. Two wheels built from the same parts with the same lacing and the same spoke tension will show massively different rates of spoke failure if one is stress relieved and the other isn't. Modern manufacturing techniques have made material quality much higher, so even badly built wheels with good spokes in particular can last pretty well...

If the spokes are obviously slack or the wheels fail through overloading rather than fatigue, you're dealing with a whole other problem of course...

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On my rear wheel there was at least 5 fairly loose spokes, yet the wheel was still relatively true. Im not the smoothest of riders and the rim still held up. Not the spokes are tight, true to about 1mm movment each way. so im happy.

Front wheel that I built was shocking. wheel was true and everything, spokes were very tight. flexed like a bitch though, Got a new front wheel spokes are tight, not as tight as the one I built, and no wheel flex. Maybe a little. WHat going on there? F*ck nose!!

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