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Nmc, What Has Ahppened.

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What has happened?

When I was first on the forum, And in NMC, full members were nice and helpfull to new-members, But now its just a place where full members come to rip people.

A new member says his opinion or a spelling mistake and all the get is "Give up!"

Your opinions?


Edit: Spelling mistake in title.

This is where I get bullied.

Edited by Callum-Luvs-Trials
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I help people in NMC occasionally, but the reason its only occasionally is because its full of identical posts and people who can't spell, both which do my head in :)

identical such as, what pads, mod or stock, what bike, sell me this, am I too old...

Edited by Revolver
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There's more than one spelling mistake. Make the effort in your posts an people will read what you have to say. Can't say fairer than that?

This is what I mean.

Spelling takes people away from the topic completly.

And then all it is is, "You can't spell".

Edited by Callum-Luvs-Trials
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I remember my first proper post, in NMC. It was describing all the good riding places in Nottingham, and its that that got me validated.

I followed all the rules posting that, I think I was thinking, aha, here's a thread where I could post something that shows that I can be useful and that I'm not stupid.

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If you proof read what you've written, then you can see what an utterly appauling grasp of english you have. You noticed the spelling mistake in the topic title, so there's no reason why you shouldn't notice the spelling mistakes in your post. It's just lazy an I'm not going to read a half arse attempt of an opinion an neither will anyone else. So you can either sort it out, or stop whining about how we victimise you.

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It just pisses me off when people winge and wine about not being validated when they clearly just aren't making the effort. If you 'can't spell' (which is a load of wank in itself, but thats another story) - your on a computer! Use f**king spell checker! Don't talk shit, don't make repeat topics, use the search, spell properly, add some valuable input occasionally and you will be validated. The only thing on that list that you couldn't do if you made a little bit of effort is valuable input, due to lack of experience/knowledge. Which is fair enough I suppose, but, we've all been there - just read up or whatever.

All the god knows how many people that are validated have managed it.

And in answer to the topic title - NMC has always been full of shit, thats why I try not to venture in here much to prevent me from coming across as a grumpy old wanker, and that is why the validation system exists. Without it, any old tom dick or harry could and would clog every thread with 'buy my mission prodigy' and 'what r the best break padz?' and 'do i get a 20 inch or a 26 inch' etc etc etc...

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What he is trying to say is that when a slight spelling mistake is made the whole topic gets taken away from what it is meant to be about.

All it needs is one person to say "use spell checker" and then it would be ok, but half the time the whole topic is about how the word should have been spelt and how spell checker should have beenb used over and over again.

I am not getting at everybody here as alot of the people on this forum that have been validated are very usefull and kind towards new members.

Edited by otaylor38
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It's a good point your making, theres not much need for forum members to use the new members chat unless they genuinely want to give helpful advice or contribute to the topic. There are 10 other sub forums which are full of topics that are slightly more interesting, I guess some people just like to make themselves feel clever or cool.

Having said that, some people are just asking for it, but that still doesn't mean that everyone has to have a go. The guidelines are there for people to read, its upto them as to whether or not they wish to read them.

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Spell checker isn't working on my computer for some reason, I have downloaded it. I go to press the button to check my post. It then says it can't find any trace of it on my computer and tells me to downlaod it agian.

I have downloaded it twice now and it still doesn't seem to work.

Any help would be nice. :)

It's a good point your making, theres not much need for forum members to use the new members chat unless they genuinely want to give helpful advice or contribute to the topic. There are 10 other sub forums which are full of topics that are slightly more interesting, I guess some people just like to make themselves feel clever or cool.

Having said that, some people are just asking for it, but that still doesn't mean that everyone has to have a go. The guidelines are there for people to read, its upto them as to whether or not they wish to read them.

Thankyou, That is what I have been trying to say.

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Spell checker isn't working on my computer for some reason, I have downloaded it. I go to press the button to check my post. It then says it can't find any trace of it on my computer and tells me to downlaod it agian.

I have downloaded it twice now and it still doesn't seem to work.

Any help would be nice. :)

I know its abit of a ball ache, but what you could do is type your post up using Microsoft Word first. That way you can check your spelling (Y)

But i'm sure someone else will be able to help you.

Thankyou, That is what I have been trying to say.

No worries mate, I can see where your coming from!

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I think it stems from the fact that new members think they have to post loads to get validated and end up posting any rubbish. There's so many times i hit the add reply button and then end up hitting the back button just because i can't see it adding to the topic. So there's no point adding useless posts and wasting web space.

I can't fully share the whole NMC experience because i was was here before it started, but reading the posts and topics in here i can understand why everyone gets fed up.

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I haven't got a problem with repeated topics, or seemingly useless topics etc because new members don't know how strict this forum is compared to others, and they’re new and all new people ask the same questions. It's not like our FAQ section is worth reading at all, and the search isn't very good either.

What does irritate me is not spelling mistakes but just general carelessness of spelling. For example this topic title. 'ahappened'. That's not a spelling mistake, it's just no care has been taken.

If every new member read back what they’ve just wrote there wouldn’t be a problem.

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I think I'm of a similar opinion to JT on this one.

Repeat topics are going to happen, FACT. A lot of the new members are coming here having only just started trials and will all have the same questions as we all had as beginners. The search function, while it will dig up the relevant topics, is actually rendered useless as the vast majority of the results just contain worthless posts by full members having a go at the original poster. If it were me, I would just give up there and then on trying to find the answer.

The spelling thing also has got a little out hand in here. While my posts my be well spelt and punctuated, I don't expect the same from everyone. As long as I can read what has been said, I'm fine. The odd mistake and a bit of txt speak here and there really doesn't bother me at all. Some however can't be read unless you have the offical txt speak dictionary to hand and in those cases I just ignore them, it really isn't worth getting worked up over someone's post like a lot of people seem to be. What I refer to when saying things are out of hand, is the constant critisism levied on new member by full members, many of whom seem to be recently validated themselves and are probably guilty of the same "crimes" in the past anyway. If you are going to critisise people's spelling, maybe you should check your previous posts to make sure you haven't made any first...

Half of this to me seems to be full members simply showing off that they have been validated, which would explain why the vast majority of long-standing members stay out of NMC which is a shame, because there is a lot of knowledge to share.

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I can see where your all coming from that it is annoying, But if the topic is nothing which you can contribute to, They is no need to be a rather big penis about it.

They are a few good people in Nmc that get validate in days and then nothing else good is left in Nmc, So that why we are left with the same people just repeating topics.

This post was not aimed at anyone.

Edited by Callum-Luvs-Trials
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If people ask sensible questions (with reasonably correct grammar and spelling) then we'll give sensible answers. But when they can't be bothered, thats when the ripping begins.

We've all been through it...just think of it as TF initiation. :shifty:

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