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Back Pains.


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I get a bit of ache if I haven't ridden for a while but it soon goes after I'm used to riding again.

I did get more back pain on my 07 echo pure than I do on my simtra - that's why I swapped frames.

I think it's important to get the geo of your bike right for you so that you are as comfortable as possible when riding. If the pain doesn't go away soon I'd try adjusting your bars/stem for a start.

A bit of muscle fatigue is normal if you are doing exersises (eg back hops) that you are not used to however if it causes anthing more than mild discomfort I'd strongly suggest ajdusting things to sort it out.


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It's a good idea to stretch your back out every so often while you're riding (Just bend forwards as far as you can followed by bending backwards and repeat). I reckon a lot of back pain is muscles that should be relaxed being kept tensioned after they've been used for a hop and cramping... Lying on a flat surface and walking back on your shoulder blades is a good way to stretch your back out - I find I have to consciously make my lower back muscles relax (With some pain) before my lower back feels good again... Keeping your shoulders flat on the ground and twisting your hips sideways till you hear clunking from your back is another good way to stretch it.

I did slip a disk many years ago though, so I'm more conscious of my back than most - shooting pains down one or both legs are an indicator that you've done enough damage to your back to cause the vertebrae to squeeze the nerves that pass between them to feed your lower body...

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get someone to click your back! by squeezing you! works a treat

I can get a lot of clunking out of my upper back by sitting on a lowish backed chair (The stackable polypropylene ones a lot of schools/public buildings have are perfect), bending back as far as I can over the back of the chair and pulling my head forward with both hands... Dunno why it works, but it's very effective...

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i hate that pain.....

about a month ago after landing a little gap i rolled forward on dirt surface which was covered with high grass so i couldnt see a little hole in front of me, my front wheel got stuck in there and stopped the bike, but as i didnt saw the hole i was thinking that i will roll forward, but when the bike suddenly stopped my body moved forward from the hips and i think i streched out one back muscle.....i didnt ride for a week and went to a competition, it hurt just a bit later but nothing much....rested 2 more days and then i could ride with no problems

a few days ago it came back, probably because of cold wind....i was still able to ride until today, about after 15min of riding it was just too painful (N)

ive got a competition on sunday so ill rest until it and hope i can ride there....

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I get lots of back pains, it's always clicking I just live with it. I even compressed my lover 5 vertebra one time couldn’t ride for about 3 4 weeks I think and even after that time it heart like hell and I was at risk of compressing it again.

I always do that thing where you lie on your back and bend you knees up and then put you legs over to one side twisting your hips. Then it clicks and feels good again.

When I put my shoulders forwards all down the top of my spine clicks.

Well to think of it almost all my joints click all the time.


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I think clicky joints come with the territory in trials riding (And probably most sports where your joints have to move under heavy loads)... As far as I know they're nothing to worry about. Cod liver oil is supposed to ease joint pain if that's a problem and it sometimes stops joints from popping too (Not that I've ever bothered taking that stuff, but anecdotal evidence is in it's favour).

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If its really bothering you by the next day, try these things.

Hot bath

rub down by the girlfriend or the misses

A55355 I think its called. Its a lotion kinda thing that help kill the pain and relax muscles. You rub it on and it heats up a little, feels pretty nice

sleep and rest

Dont push it man. I've had to cut about 2 days of riding a week so my knee can finally get better. If you push yourself, it'll be something you deal with every day, not every week or every month.

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How do you guys treat the pain? do you stop riding for a while? (let's say a few days) or do you continue?

Best way to treat back pain is by regular stretching.

The usual cause is due to an imbalance in strength between back and abs. This is a common problem with trials riders as a lot of the movement involved originates from the back, and so the back tends to be stronger than the abs.

To rectify this, do some crunches/sit-ups everyday. Not too many, just a couple of sets of about 10 - 15. And after every ride stretch your back out by practicing the stretch in the picture below. Its also good if you do this every morning.

Hope this helps.


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Keep your lower back on the ground while doing crunches - you'll probably do more damage if you lift it off the ground (And it does very little extra for your Abs). I can have myself killed in about 10-15 situps if I first lift my shoulders off the ground and hold for second or 2, then lift even further from that point, consciously squeezing my stomach muscles as hard as I can, and let myself down slowly (Over at least 2 or 3 seconds). Haven't done a lot of that sort of work in a while come to think of it - I'll have to do something while my trials bike is out of action, but at least it's raining all the time, so I'm not torturing myself by itching to ride trials but knowing I can't cos my bikes out of action... Or I could use one of my other 4 bikes (But not for trials)...

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The best technique for crunches is to literally crunch up, rather than sitting up which recruits your hip flexors more than abs.

The key is nice and slow, controlled, and the spine should curve over rather than remain straight.

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