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Josh Holmes


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Didn’t know the dude but wana pay my respect.

We all know there’s been a few to many fatalities this year, I’d see the topics and not think much of it as I didn’t really know any of the people involved…

That was until Hobbsie passed away and I then began to understand how hard it is for close friends and acquaintances of that person.

As I can now relate to this I feel it would be horribly selfish of me to not say anything.

R.I.P dude! Thoughts of everyone are with your friends and family, they won’t forget you.

Thats totally how i felt. Ive never lost anyone before, and id see the topics of the other riders and although i payed attention to them and maybe made a reply, you dont register that someone has actually gone. You can pay your condolences but until you actually loose someone you cant actually fully relise and feel it in your heart that someone has died and what people are going through.

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For people interested.

Joshs funeral was on thursday. Most of his friends all met up at his mums house and we thought there was alot there, when we got to the church it was already full.As many people as possible where squeezed into the church but some couldnt. I made a speech for him and its possibley the hardest thing ive ever done and was in tears all the way through. He was cremated after and songs he loved and that where appropriate were played. He had an amazing send off if theres such a thing.

Dont no what else to say.

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