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Inspired Fourplay


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I like to do trials stuff, like sidehops, gaps and others, but recently I have understood, that I like to do 180's and 360's, too, and other streety moves. Yeah, I know that there isn't a bike on which you can do all, but I want to know, that if I get the inspired, would I still be able to do sidehops and gaps? I want to do the trials stuff and streety stuff, too. Would it be a lot harder to ride trials on inspired? And how much easier would it be, to ride street on inspired, than my long Zoo pitbull (with 120mm low rise stem and flat bars)?

I need you to tell me, the difference between my zoo and inspired.

Hope you get what I mean :)

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Feedback from our customers indicates that the Inspired is still really good for 'real' trials, especially with a slightly longer stem. You can see Ali riding here and he still makes 1.35m hook really easily:


You can see some pretty huge trials moves from Dave Marshall here too:


Hope that helps!


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My goodness! I've never seen the like.

As a complete novice, i've been debating the purchase of a 20" mod, 26" stock or the rarely discussed 24" recently.

Upon watching the extraordinary feats of the riders in the the 'youtube videos', am i witnessing the birth of a new style of Trials? Hence 24" Trials?

I may quickly have to revise my letter to Santa!

By the way. Where can I purchase some of those anti-gravity wheels? Or are they simply, helium filled innertubes?


Edited by middleageman
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I think your sarcasm detector's broken, Luke :P

Well, I'm gullible so there. :D

But would it actually work with helium in the tyres? It must reduce a little bit?

I want an inspired, one day...

Agreed. I just like the look. :)

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recently I have understood, that I like to do 180's and 360's, too, and other streety moves. Yeah, I know that there isn't a bike on which you can do all, but I want to know, that if I get the inspired, would I still be able to do sidehops and gaps?

Wow you like your commas.

Yes, the inspired will still let you sidehop and gap - but not quite as big. It'll limit you a little.

thought about having 2 bikes? Zoo! and Inspired...

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I really would like to have two bikes but then I would get my inspired only in summer or so, because I don't have money now.

I my language there are more commas than I wrote in my text. I know that in english there are less, but I don't know where to put them :D

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Yes, the inspired will still let you sidehop and gap - but not quite as big. It'll limit you a little.

thought about having 2 bikes? Zoo! and Inspired...

Thats exactly what I have. I've had an inspired for about a year and am nearly finished building up an old zoo. The inspired will be my main bike as i mostly ride street and the zoo will be for natural. I do find the inspired a bit harder to sidehop and gap than a longer bike but then I am 6'5" ;)

If you have the opportunity, try one before you buy one. The Inspired really does feel awesome to ride; It feels really maneuverable and flicky without being twitchy like a mod. If you watch how people ride them in videos, they are all about flow rather than static moves and hopping.

Edited by cultiv8ed_mike
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Haha, Helium in tyres?

Don't think it will work with the usual suspects for valves and innertubes, but here's everyone's chance at an instant retirement plan with zillions of pounds to burn. I'd look into inventing, but I have a beer to finish first.







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Haha, Helium in tyres?

Don't think it will work with the usual suspects for valves and innertubes, but here's everyone's chance at an instant retirement plan with zillions of pounds to burn. I'd look into inventing, but I have a beer to finish first.

I really don't think you're the first person to think of that! It's been done, you don't need anything special (except the helium, obviously). But apparently it leaks out much faster than air so you need to refill the tyre every day or so. For the 0.5g (guess) it saves I'm sure it's not worth the hassle!

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Im always torn between what bike to ride! I love the 3 of them but some times I wish I didnt have the choice. lol

Well, only reason I'm planning on building a 24 is cause I would like something easier to get around town( gears and seat) can ride trials and BMX on, and have something I can ride all the time, but I honestly can't see my riding the 24 in comps so I'd like to keep my mod.

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