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Pc Tech Support

Dr. Nick Riviera

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just put the wrong power supply into my external hard drive. with shit loads of stuff on. take it apart. It stinks! take the drive it self out and correct plug the power supply the bit which takes the power. the light lights up. plug that into the drive it self. and feck all. I need the stuff of the hard drive! anyway of getting it?!

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Finally decided to ask here for help/suggestions. First, specs of my desktop I built a few years ago.

Evga 780sli f.t.w motherboard

Q6600 @ 2.4ghz overlocked to 3ghz

4x1GB OCZ DDR2 sli ram @1066mhz

2x GTX260 in sli

750GB samsung hardrive

Running windows 7 ultimate

The problem that I've never managed to solve is the random freezes that would happen anywhere, in games, browsing the internet, listening to music, watching videos. It's completely random, can happen an hour after turning my computer on or after 6 hours. I have sort of narrowed it down to a driver problem. I run SRS sandbox 1.10.2 and this seems to be the problem, I know the easiest option would be to not use it but, I know it works fine, it did at one point and something is triggering the freeze, let me explain.

The problem appeared when I first built this pc, back then I had vista. I was using SRS audio sandbox 1.10.0 at first, computer freezes. Then 1.10.2 came out, installed it, voila, not a single freeze. Then win7 came out, got it and did a format of my hard drive and clean install of win7, installed SRS 1.10.2, freezing came back. I lived with the freezing, after a restart it was fine till my computer froze completely randomly. Every few months I do a format of my hard drive and install a fresh win7. I remember the second time I reinstalled windows win7 and SRS, everything was fine, no freezing, left my computer on for over 10 hours and it did not freeze once. Then a few months down the line, reinstalled win7 and SRS, but this time instead of getting freezes, I got BSOD's randomly. I don't have a screenshot of it but I remember reading in all the white text that it could be a driver causing the BSOD. I lived with the BSODs as I just couldn't be bothered to fix it but then they became less and less frequent but still BSODed, just way less frequent. Fast forward to 2 days ago when I reinstalled win7 and SRS. The freezing comes back.

I know SRS works, it worked fine for months at one point but after a reinstall of windows the freezing came back. Haven't changed my hardware at all, software stayed pretty much the same in the last few years, just newer versions, only thing I update the most is my graphics card drivers but I don't see what they've got anything to do with SRS.

What I want to work out is what's causing the computer to freeze randomly? Something is triggering it, I've worked out that it has something to do with SRS but cannot pinpoint exactly what. SRS worked fine at one point so why not now? Help anyone? The freezing is getting annoying after a few years.

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Just a quick one here. I've got a 22" LG TV/monitor, which I use with my laptop as a 2nd screen, but when I watch flash video's on it they go jerky, video's on media player seem to work fine, but not flash ones. Is there anything in the settings that I can change to get rid of this or is it just a miss-match of kit?

Oh yeah, this only happens if I'm using it as a 2nd screen (as an extension rather than a duplicate) if I set it as the only screen they play fine.

Edited by RobinJI
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This seems cheap? Anyone had experience because i'm really tempted, the i5 stock cooler is poop and overclocking is a pain i have 2 fans pointing through the current cooler at a 600mhz overclock...

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what socket 1155 motherboard, with 4 ram slots, sli enabled, would be the best bet right now??

Personally I'd go for this. Will only do x8/x8 PCIE though, but that's what my board does and it makes less than 2% difference to x16/x16. I'm a Gigabyte fan though, and a lot of people reckon the Asrock something or other is the best SB board atm.


This seems cheap? Anyone had experience because i'm really tempted, the i5 stock cooler is poop and overclocking is a pain i have 2 fans pointing through the current cooler at a 600mhz overclock...

Wouldn't bother, it's a bit old and overpriced for what it is now. I'd go for any of these, considering an H100 myself.

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I've not kept in touch with the 6*** series, is that the dual GPU one? Replacement for the 5970?

I'm still repping Crossfire 5830s. They consume about 350w alone and the performance isn't amazing these days, but they were cheap and I can plays all the Crysis games. (Not a massive fan of Crysis 2 at all). :)

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ended up being impatient awaiting a reply, drove out to ocuk yesterday and picked up a gigabyte z68xp-ud3, got 8gb of ddr3 1600mhz ram, and a 60gb ocz agility 3 ssd(and another hdd to supplement it)

coupled with the 17 2600k i had waiting, and the gtx460 ive already got, this has been one super cheap build.

whole lot has come to under £500 including case, psu etc.

only thing i need to get is a new cd/dvd drive as the one i had was IDE

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Hmmm, I don't know Chrome that well, only ever used it for testing. Just had a poke around but it looks like the "Restore to default settings" option has been removed from when I last used it, can't find it anywhere.

Tried reinstalling it? If not I suggest moving to Firefox 6 or Opera 11, use them both regularly and love them, just can't get on with Chrome.

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My graphics card fan has gotten rather noisy lately, is there anything i can do about it? It's a Geforce 8800GT 512mb. I was wondering if there was a new fan I could retrofit, I had seen modified versions of my card with new cooling but I think these were overclocked models built by a company.

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Have you tried hoovering all the dust out of the cooler? I wouldn't bother pissing about with coolers on that card personally, it's a bit old now (no offense meant), it'd be cheaper and easier to just get a better card second hand to be honest.

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I'm having some problems rendering a video on Sony Vegas Pro 9. When I select 'Render video' it no longer gives me the option of rendering in '.wmv' format. So instead I have tried to render the video in a .avi format. It begins to render but seconds into the render, it comes up with the error message of 'The system is low on memory' and stops the render, it says close applications to help improve it... but they're all closed anyway.

Now why wont it let me render these videos!? It has always worked previously (albeit very slowly) without too much trouble and with the same camera, so why would it be any different now...?

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What's the spec of your computer? Sounds like you don't have enough RAM and Vega is cutting off the render because it's filling it up.

30gb sounds like it should be OK to me, but I've never rendered anything so I wouldn't know.

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