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You're Worthless.

Dr. Nick Riviera

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Thanks ManxTrialSpaz.

I believe in the creation story.

I truly can't understand how anyone in this day and age can possibly believe that. That's kind of the first thing that makes me think know that the Bible and therefore the entire God/faith/religion thing is fictional rubbish (in my opinion of course). If you believe the creation story, how do you explain dinosaurs and evolution to yourself?

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I truly can't understand how anyone in this day and age can possibly believe that. That's kind of the first thing that makes me think know that the Bible and therefore the entire God/faith/religion thing is fictional rubbish (in my opinion of course). If you believe the creation story, how do you explain dinosaurs and evolution to yourself?

What reason is there to not believe that God is a force behind the process of evolution? Believing in both is of course very contradictory, because of science, yet I find it easy to believe in both. Although I am a Christian, I, myself, have realised that the Bible contradicts itself, and some of the things I find hard to understand, and so I only believe them to an extent. I'm not narrow minded and I interpret God in many different lights. The Bible mentions more of an 'active God' who is constantly perfecting the beauty and such of his creations.

In the 13th century, St. Thomas Aquinas developed an theory called the "cosmological argument", in which is outlined nothing = nothing and so everything must have a cause; and according to the theory developed by William Paley, each cause much have a creator.

Edited by Hannah Shucksmith (:
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What reason is there to not believe that God is a force behind the process of evolution?

To me the idea of 'God' (at least in a Christian sense of course) goes hand in hand with the Bible. To me the Bible is simply a fictional novel written by people who didn't know any better. Religion itself is itself an attempt (by humans) to explain things they don't and couldn't, at the time, know or understand, particularly with reference to what happens when we die. On one hand this allows people to not necessarily fear death and give them hope that when they die it is not the end but on the other hand, and far more importantly, offered the church huge control over a large proportion of the world's population. In times gone by (and still in America, Africa etc.) the majority of people were 'God fearing' and this allowed the church to keep a fairly tight leash on the public by ensuring that they lead good, wholesome lives in order to avoid 'Hell'.

I see things in black and white and have trouble seeing the grey areas. In this instance Science (=evolution) is white and god is black, so to speak ;) . The bible is the only thing Christians have to go on and, in my mind, is utter drivel.

Don't get me wrong, religion (if it works for you) is good; be nice to people, don't steal etc. but that's just common sense. In actual fact religion has been the excuse for more death and destruction than anything else in human history*.

*may be an exaggeration, I don't know.

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To me the idea of 'God' (at least in a Christian sense of course) goes hand in hand with the Bible. To me the Bible is simply a fictional novel written by people who didn't know any better. Religion itself is itself an attempt (by humans) to explain things they don't and couldn't, at the time, know or understand, particularly with reference to what happens when we die. On one hand this allows people to not necessarily fear death and give them hope that when they die it is not the end but on the other hand, and far more importantly, offered the church huge control over a large proportion of the world's population. In times gone by (and still in America, Africa etc.) the majority of people were 'God fearing' and this allowed the church to keep a fairly tight leash on the public by ensuring that they lead good, wholesome lives in order to avoid 'Hell'.

I see things in black and white and have trouble seeing the grey areas. In this instance Science (=evolution) is white and god is black, so to speak ;) . The bible is the only thing Christians have to go on and, in my mind, is utter drivel.

The bible and God do not just give me hope as to what will happen in my after life; I seek guidance from the Bible when times are hard. I don't live that of a perfect life, I swear, I drink, I don't love everyone, I argue with people, I use contraception and I don't believe in no sex before marriage. I don't believe that God will hate me for doing those things, and if he does hate me for my sins then the death of Jesus and John 3:16 means nothing to him? Jesus died for my sins, meaning all my sins will be forgiven, and according to John 3:16, as long as I believe in God, I still have a place in the sky with the big man! I don't fear God, he is my savior and my guide.

The words printed in the bible are not my only reason for believing in God.

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The bible and God do not just give me hope as to what will happen in my after life; I seek guidance from the Bible when times are hard. I don't live that of a perfect life, I swear, I drink, I don't love everyone, I argue with people, I use contraception and I don't believe in no sex before marriage. I don't believe that God will hate me for doing those things, and if he does hate me for my sins then the death of Jesus and John 3:16 means nothing to him? Jesus died for my sins, meaning all my sins will be forgiven, and according to John 3:16, as long as I believe in God, I still have a place in the sky with the big man! I don't fear God, he is my savior and my guide.

The words printed in the bible are not my only reason for believing in God.

so is science off the school curriculum now?

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according to John 3:16, as long as I believe in God, I still have a place in the sky with the big man!

Does that mean that all the murderers, rapists, paedophiles, genocidal maniacs etc. etc. have a place in your heaven provided they believe in God?

I choose worm food.

Like I said, I believe in Evolution, but I believe in God aswell.

You said you believe the creation story. That's not quite the same as Evolution if my memory serves me correctly... 6 days versus 4.5 billion years?

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Does that mean that all the murderers, rapists, paedophiles, genocidal maniacs etc. etc. have a place in your heaven provided they believe in God?

I choose worm food.

You've really shitted me over this time :P

If the sinner has truly repented, then all his sins have been washed away and forgotten. From a Christian view, God's children were born with free-will, and if you choose to abuse that then you must fully show you know you have done wrong and you are truly sorry.

I'm not God, I can and cannot say who gets in and who doesn't :P

And yes, I believe in Evolution and God.

Evolution = Science.

God = Creation Story.

Edited by Hannah Shucksmith (:
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Evolution = Science.

God = Creation Story.

But those two things are so incredibly far removed from each other and incompatible I actually wouldn't know where to begin.

Science = proven, realistic, acceptable, believable, logical, true.

Creationism = mindless drivel made up by humans with less fact and truth in it than Shrek.

I choose worm food.

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I know that this is kind of by the by, and I'm not saying I believe it. But to people discounting the creation story - has it occurred to you that it could have been an exaggeration by those who wrote it... as in each 'day' being millions of years or maybe just a simple way to explain how 'God' did everything?

I'm not a believer, but I also don't pigeon-hole myself into being a non believer either - seems easier to sit on the fence till death on this one!

I also reckon that it take the death of someone really close to you to shift your mind towards believing in something. That happened for me when my best mate committed suicide. It's easier to deal with loss if you can think of a reason for it happening and a further journey for that person to go on.

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But those two things are so incredibly far removed from each other and incompatible I actually wouldn't know where to begin.

Science = proven, realistic, acceptable, believable, logical, true.

Creationism = mindless drivel made up by humans with less fact and truth in it than Shrek.

Who believed in Evolution before Darwin proved it? Who's to say that in years to come, proof of God will become?

You can call me stupid for believing in God, but I can call you stupid for not believing. Like you've said, it's all personal opinion, and it's as though you're calling my religion a load of bollocks and shunning me for believing in the presence of God. I feel alot better living life thinking at the end of it, something good will happen and I'm not just going to be skull-f**ked by maggots. I like the idea of Heaven and peace; if there really is no after-life, then I'm not going to know about it, am I? I don't care, who and who doesn't believe in the big man in the sky, but I don't like being condoned for believing. I'm happy being Christian, I'm happy with my beliefs.

Edited by Hannah Shucksmith (:
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I know that this is kind of by the by, and I'm not saying I believe it. But to people discounting the creation story - has it occurred to you that it could have been an exaggeration by those who wrote it... as in each 'day' being millions of years or maybe just a simple way to explain how 'God' did everything?

I'm not a believer, but I also don't pigeon-hole myself into being a non believer either - seems easier to sit on the fence till death on this one!

I also reckon that it take the death of someone really close to you to shift your mind towards believing in something. That happened for me when my best mate committed suicide. It's easier to deal with loss if you can think of a reason for it happening and a further journey for that person to go on.

But that's exactly it- the creation story is an attempt at explaining something the writers knew nothing about. At no point did 'God' or 'Jesus' sit everyone down and explain how it happened- it was made up as a nice little introduction to the author's book. As mentioned in Red Dwarf, I just wish they'd uncover the missing page of the Bible: "If genuine, it belongs at the beginning of the Bible and is believed to read, "To my darling Candy. All characters portrayed within this book are fictitous and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental." Of course it may already have been discovered and destroyed by the church...

For me the death of someone really close was one of the things when I was a kid to push me completely away from religion.

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But that's exactly it- the creation story is an attempt at explaining something the writers knew nothing about. At no point did 'God' or 'Jesus' sit everyone down and explain how it happened- it was made up as a nice little introduction to the author's book. As mentioned in Red Dwarf, I just wish they'd uncover the missing page of the Bible: "If genuine, it belongs at the beginning of the Bible and is believed to read, "To my darling Candy. All characters portrayed within this book are fictitous and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental." Of course it may already have been discovered and destroyed by the church...

For me the death of someone really close was one of the things when I was a kid to push me completely away from religion.

I can totally see where you're coming from. But the problem is, what if 'God' or 'Jesus' DID sit everyone down and we're all just dicks for ignoring what's said?

Again I'm not saying it's what I believe, I'm just saying it's food for thought. I don't think there's enough evidence either way which is why I ended up debating with both sides!

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This thread isn't about god. it's a reality check.

If you wish to discuss higher powers, please do so without the context of religion, otherwise it's just like monkeys hurling shit after a while.

Haha, that's like interrupting a group of mates in a pub who have taken the conversation from Football to the Olympics that they can't talk about the Olympics because you started the conversation and it was about Football.

Fair enough. Wow that star is, like, mega huge and I still couldn't give a f**k less - I've got enough to worry about on this planet without worrying about the others out there.

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You can call me stupid for believing in God, but I can call you stupid for not believing.

I feel alot better living life thinking at the end of it, something good will happen and I'm not just going to be skull-f**ked by maggots. I like the idea of Heaven

Ideally a belief is based on some sort of fact or evidence, really what you are talking about is your faith. I'm sure most people would agree that to believe in something with no evidence would be a little bit stupid. Believing (or not believing) in something based on evidence and fact would be, arguably, less stupid.

Just because an idea is comforting or useful to you doesn't make it true.

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Ideally a belief is based on some sort of fact or evidence, really what you are talking about is your faith. I'm sure most people would agree that to believe in something with no evidence would be a little bit stupid. Believing (or not believing) in something based on evidence and fact would be, arguably, less stupid.

Just because an idea is comforting or useful to you doesn't make it true.

You have to hope you're not going to just rot in the ground though, you have to hope something else will happen after. Be it being put into another body with your memory wiped, or going to what the bible portrays as Heaven..

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You have to hope you're not going to just rot in the ground though, you have to hope something else will happen after. Be it being put into another body with your memory wiped, or going to what the bible portrays as Heaven..

Do you really? I'm really glad I'm not you in that case, your life must be really crap if you need that. I find that would only cheapen the time you have. Start making the most of and enjoying the short time you're going to be here.

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Do you really? I'm really glad I'm not you in that case, your life must be really crap if you need that. I find that would only cheapen the time you have. Start making the most of and enjoying the short time you're going to be here.

My life isn't extremely exciting at the moment, which is why I think of it like that. Although I did have a point recently where I thought "f**k it, kill me now and I'll be a happy man!". 99% of the time I enjoy what I do and how I do it, but I'd like to think it's not the end when I die. I mean, look at some of the amazing musicians who have died from excessive drugs use, drowning and being shot on stage - some of them died extremely young, and they didn't really get to do anything to their full potential.

The guitarist from Pantera got shot on stage by a fan of the singer (after they'd stopped gigging together), because the singer made a statement in an interview saying he wanted him dead. He had huge potential to be an amazing gigging guitarist with all sorts of major bands to even now, if not his own band - had he not died. He didn't choose to die, it was taken from him. I'd hope that he's been brought back as someone else who will for fill what he started - even though had they told him when he was 7 "when you die Steve Vai will put his guitar in your casket", his reply would have been, "kill me now".

Jeff Buckley drowned accidently, as far as I recall. One of The Beach Boys went the same way, although I think it was also drugs related. Eva Cassidy? Enough said really!

Look at it from that perspective - for all those people who were taken down in their prime of becoming something huge, if they could be brought back, even if in another body and start again what they had originally started without knowing it - becoming the best in the live scene, and enjoying music for how they made it, is it really such a bad way of thinking?

I think this was a bit of a rant, but it's how I like to look apon life.

If I can live it to full, I'll do so - but dear god, when I die.. don't let it be the end, because life is too much damn fun even if it's not very exciting. :P

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