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Getting Smacked ..


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I’m getting hit by a Black guy tomorrow; he’s a huge build... And I'm not... I'm not going to fight him, not point... There is only going to be one hit.

To be honest, I just want to look at him, take it, look at him again, smirk, and then walk away. Just so I get a nice Reputation at school ;).

How to take a punch to the face... It’s probably going to be a swinger to the cheek... Any tips...

Don’t bother asking why its happening, because to be honest... I think it’s because of my ex that I saw yesterday might have had a chat with him about something... Although me and her are OK. :S.

Anyway... Help please, quick :D.

Bruce lee, help me out ;)

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I’m getting hit by a Black guy tomorrow; he’s a huge build... And I'm not... I'm not going to fight him, not point... There is only going to be one hit.

To be honest, I just want to look at him, take it, look at him again, smirk, and then walk away. Just so I get a nice Reputation at school ;).

How to take a punch to the face... It’s probably going to be a swinger to the cheek... Any tips...

Don’t bother asking why its happening, because to be honest... I think it’s because of my ex that I saw yesterday might have had a chat with him about something... Although me and her are OK. :S.

Anyway... Help please, quick :D.

chin down to your chest, that way if he does come at you with an uppercut, he aint gunna take your head off, and your nose aint stickin out to far either + it stops the rotational force about your head a fair bit.

But in all fairness, if he wants to fight and you cant get out of it, you might as well have a pop at him.

whats the worst that could happen??

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Try and move your head into the fist at the same time as he throws the punch. The resultant effect of the rapid transferrence of the combined velocity into that of your face will produce a numbing effect in the region of the locality to which the velocity was directed, which will also possibly be transferred to the more general contents of your cranium.

Alternatively, dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge.

I dunno, you'd wanna stop the punch. If you don't mind being in the fight, avoid being hit, lessen the blows, and take advantage of any opening in his guard.

If you want the fight to be over quickly, follow my initial post, run the shit away, or talk him out of it.

Edited by Bruce Lee
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chin down to your chest, that way if he does come at you with an uppercut, he aint gunna take your head off, and your nose aint stickin out to far either + it stops the rotational force about your head a fair bit.

But in all fairness, if he wants to fight and you cant get out of it, you might as well have a pop at him.

whats the worst that could happen??

He's big, black, and scary :D.

We used to me "tight" in his words :L.

But ah well, Head down, ok (Y). Anything else.. I could easily doge it, I'm pretty fast at that when it comes to adrenalin.

But if i did that, he will probably want fight :D. Not to my likings lol.


Ok.. move into the punch, I was kind of thinking opposite, but you used big words I don’t understand so ok :L. What about mentally and all that... what should i do relax, tense. what..?

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Your an idiot.

Getting punched in the face rarely leaves you smirking afterwards.

I know :D . But if i pull it off, this kid is supposed to be pretty " 'ard " so.. you know, I'll look gurddd ;) .



I REALLY would love to hit him back, but I just don't think I'ts worth it.. exams and stuff atm, doing english and maths early so I don't need it..

I was thinking about moving WITH the punch.. but attempting to time it perfect so that it looks like he REALLY hits me hard, but I move my head myself.. and only allow small ammount of contact.. what do you think of this?

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It doesnt actually hurt being hit in the face, you've just got to avoid damage being done i.e nose, teeth, eyes

i think your a complete fanny for just accepting this, if it was me he was coming after he would have to beat the utter shit out of me

You havn't seen the size of me... and the size of him.

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Just because he is colourd.....makes him no different he is human just like you and i.....big people usually have a weight advantage......be quick about it......no time to think read the body language...let him throw the first punch obviously push his arm away from the inside leaves his face open for a banger of a headbut.....

or take a lump of steele :) if you think its going to end badly on your behalf

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kick him in the balls then upercut his chin best combo ever :P

Dad said about this.. I say it will make things worse..

If this guys as big and "ard" as you make out then expect any of the following...broken cheekbone/eyesocket, missing teeth, broken nose, dislocated jaw.

The smart thing to do would be to not go through with it.

It's going to happen weather I want it to or not, Is going to be worse if I try to avoid it. So that plans out of the window.

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What it seems you want is for him to hit you and win.

That sucks, you suck.

If he hits you and you manage to take it, and you don't go down, and you leave, he'll still hit you more, and you're going to look like a twat for trying to run away.

Me, in school I didn't give a shit if I ran away, but funnily enough I never got in fights anyway.

Except for the time when this guy was throwing tomatoberries/rosehips at me, so I kicked him a few times, but he took them and kept laughing, so I throttled him until he went to sleep.



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Just because he is colourd.....makes him no different he is human just like you and i.....big people usually have a weight advantage......be quick about it......no time to think read the body language...let him throw the first punch obviously push his arm away from the inside leaves his face open for a banger of a headbut.....

or take a lump of steele :) if you think its going to end badly on your behalf

Black people are usually bigger, and stonger. Haven't you noticed.

No point fighting.. His "mates" chavs.. would jump in. Not worth it.

hmmm get a slingshot and a rock

Sorry to sound like a nagging mother.. serious suggestions and tips only please, this is kind of important to me :P.

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