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Loosing Your Balls?


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Hey I am 22 now and I just noticed I am a total pussy now. My friend is 18 and he is utterly insane. All I do now is tech. When you get older do you just become safer because you have better judgment or is it because you are more apathetic and can't use emotions to make you try stupid stuff? I started filming my new video and I am such a big pussy I just back out of anything that isn't a curb anyone else feel the same way?

Edited by sayshell
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Depends how long you've been riding, sometimes you just do your usual tricks/stunts etc because your comftable with that, not saying its not good what your doing but your just in your comfort zone. I'm 26, been riding trials and bmx since I was 14 and and don't go as mental as I used too, I just do the stuff that makes me happy and thats all that matters, having fun thats the main thing. I still try new tricks every so often or try hit lines I've done before differently.

Edited by The Dark Knight
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I dont progress quickly because Im scared, simple. I have enough power and technique but I have a mental block when it comes to some things, I tend to look at things and think of the worst possible outcome. However Im getting more and more confident and starting to believe in my ability a bit more.

Im 30 now and sticking my bmx handlebars 3" into my groin about 5 years ago put a pretty major downer on my progression.

Edited by forteh
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I'm some ways I agree with you guys, in that when you're a bit older you make slihgtly more calculated decisions when riding. If its 50/50 that you make the gap you're more likly ot say ' I'll go work on my gaps and come back when its 75/25 I make it'.

On the other hand I had 18 months out and went climbing. Climbing required way more continued concentration and commitment that could last 1/2 hour once you're half way up a climb, rather than the 30 secs to do a big line. Now I'm 22 and 6 months ago or so I started riding again, I'd say my bottle has actually gone up. Although I'm not taking stupid risks, I'm less likely ot bottle things that I know I can do just because they are scary.

Having an older and wiser brain can work both for you and against you.

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Yer I some times have the same problem

I think its alot to do with your mentality, When you was younger you never thought "Oh if I fall this is going to hurt"

Plus when your younger you tend to bouce back better lol

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I just tend to think about if it goes wrong it could be time of work so therefore no money :(

Unless im on the mtb when i tend to not think about that sort of stuff and just hit it, weird i have a lot more confidence on my stp then i do my trials bike.

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Unless im on the mtb when i tend to not think about that sort of stuff and just hit it, weird i have a lot more confidence on my stp then i do my trials bike.

because you're thinking on the move, not sat around analysing the line/move

if you just rolled up to something and said 'yeah! i'll hit that' and just went straight into it, its more likely you'll go for it.

sittin around eyeing it up makes things worse!

but then i never over analyse stuff personally just can see my mates doing it!

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Totally. Im turning 22 and my heart beats fast anytime i try something bigger than normal. get horrible thoughts like breaking my back not being able to move etc.

I just put some aggressive music on and visualise doing it first time. Problem is i bet you start getting really good/consistent and things you can do but improve really slowly and find yourself not trying anything new. My advice is do natural riding. Its usually stupidly hard and throws you out of complacency. Other advice is ride with younger people/lads that go bigger, will nuture your competiveness.

Also consider that your older so you may have more experience/more control over your bike, your judgement and consistency will be better than a younger rider so go into every line thinking that you have more chance of landing it than a 15yr old TGS basher.

The high you get from landing a ballsy move at an older age is sooo much better than when you are younger and don't consider the risks.

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I have that alot on sidehops, I set up next to it, look at where I want to land, think f**k that and bottle it :(

Then I realised that the wall Im trying to get up isnt really very high (36" :$ ) and I simply sailed up it without a thought :)

Previously its always been a wall that I thought I could never sidehop :D

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Having low self esteem all my life may be my problem. I know I can sidehop alot bigger. But just before I do, loads of things rush through me. All negitive things.



Meh same, i know for a fact i can go at least 6" bigger....just a complete mental block against it though. Sidehops and gaps to rear have always scared the shit out of me....although taps and gaps to front have always seemed less scary :S

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I think it's also to do with the fact you have a job. Hurt yourself at school and it's no problem, even a bonus! Miss work and its a different story.

Fortunately I get sick pay at work, 3 weeks worth a year actually :)

That said I dont like to miss work due to bike related injuries, I had a day off when I bruised my heal bone and 4 days off when I stuck my bmx through my leg - just hobbled round the office very slowly and painfully. They called me a silly boy :(

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I think it's just a phase you go through from time to time. I know I've had it where I just don't want to do anything scary, and I'll have a period of 3 months or so where I just can't make myself do stuff. However, it does change. I'm coming out of that stage and starting to send myself at stuff more. I don't think it's necessarily an age thing, 'cos I ride regularly with people aged from about 16 up to 30, and they all do ridiculous stuff. It's purely your own mindset. If you have doubts or think you're going to f**k things up, you probably will. If you're just confident and give it a proper go, you'll usually be fine.

I'm 22 too, by the way...

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i think i may be suffering from this whole pussyole syndrome. not good. 2 years ago i was doing some seriously lairy stuff, that now i wouldnt touch even though ive done and am on the same bike, i seem to be happier trying new stuff and im not too sure why

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I also found going to new riding spots with different people made me want to try stuff, just 'cos I love riding with new people so I get more excited to do stuff. Helps keep things fresh, plus you don't want to look like a dick in front of people you barely know :P

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I have noticed that since i became older and came back to trials i've also lost my man plums,it's also since i fractured my ankle a few months ago on a motorbike :( ...........finding that im also shit at riding untill i've rode a bit then warmed up,does anyone else have that? then if you stop for a while and rest you start to feel all achey and heavy?? or is that just me?? tell me please

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I have noticed that since i became older and came back to trials i've also lost my man plums,it's also since i fractured my ankle a few months ago on a motorbike :( ...........finding that im also shit at riding untill i've rode a bit then warmed up,does anyone else have that? then if you stop for a while and rest you start to feel all achey and heavy?? or is that just me?? tell me please

I'm best at the start of a ride...loads of energy and the adrenaline keeps you going but after 2-3 hours if I stop for a rest I just can't be bothered doing anything hoppy....I think for me it's cos I don't get to go out much on the bike anymore. Definately get more scared of big drops...I think you think about the consequences more as you get older cos the implications are worse!

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