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Has Anyone Stretched Their Ear Lobes?


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It can vary from person to person, I hear stories from people all the time of "I went up 5mm in one day!".

Personal opinion is 1-2mm a month, that's if you want a good chance of the hole to back to a normalish size.

It also shouldn't hurt stretching, and you should never force a taper into you ear. All you need to do is gently push it in until it can go no further. DO NOT apply pressure on pushing it in.

The main reason why I recommend a mm a month is that each stretch physically tears/cuts your ear, best way to think of this is that after stretching it needs to heal, therefore scab over and the month gives it time to heal naturally. If you stretch when it should be healing, your pretty much picking a scab, which of course will make scar tissue, which is not good if you want to go up in size, or back down.

Following that advice you should get some nice stretches, I'm on 18mm both ears. And as said, its better in the piercing thread.

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Meh', I had 26mm tunnel and went up form a standard piercing.

Had no problems leaving it 2/3 weeks between stretches, and took it out about a year ago and it's back down to nothing now; you'd never know I'd done it.

I guess it varies from person to person though.

*haha, just seen what "Captain Scarlet" says. Thats bollocks, when I did mine i used to do 3/4 mm a go and what we used to do was put two books on a desk at school then hammer them through with the spine of another book using the other two books to keep my ear in one place :P

Genuine advice here - have a HOT bath first.

Edited to add a photo of me on the way up, at 20mm in the photo -


Edited by Pashley26
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Genuine advice here - have a HOT bath first.

Very good advice!

I did mine in the bath, with knitting needles, 4mm at a time, and it did take alot of force to start with! Then when I ran out of knitting needles big enough I used a fat pen, then my finger. Just went up as soon as it stopped being crusty and bloody and I could handle the pain again!

I'm now upto 16mm which is as big as I'm going (though I did say that at 8, 10, 12 & 14...). I had a 2nd 8mm next to the 16 in my left ear for about a year before I decided I didn't like it anymore last week, and just put a normal 1.6 ring in it, and already you'd never know it was stretched at all :)

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I was at 12mm then took it out and let it heal back for a few months thenI decided to do it agian and went back to 16mm. Took it out ages ago after I lost it and couldn't be bothered to buy another and it's now back to about 4-3mm and it looks normal. I really damaged my ear when I did mine because I jsut wanted to go up really quickly :L

Edit: Best way I found of strecting is when you get to about 8mm use the rubber tunnels, buy like 4-mm bigger and fold it up, but it in your ear and let it go slowly. It doesn't really hurt but you can fell it for a day or so.

Edited by Ciguena_dreamer
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Mine are currently 30mm and dan clark(who isnt on here much anymore) his are 30mm aswell. I have to take mine out for work everyday, and they seem to shrink loads. If i take them out after a few hours they look like about 10mm, but my 30mm slip right back in with no hassle. I dont stretch them anymore but when i did, i did it when i had holiday etc, so that they had healed abit before i had to take them out. Touch wood ive never had any problems, never blown out, never really hurt but i guess when you do it bit at a time its cool. I currently wear silicone ones and they are so compfortable and light. Sod wearing 30mm metal ones, i had some but they were a pain. I find screw in metal ones always pinch my skin and it f**king hurts. On another note the inside of my holes have started to grow hair NICE!!


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