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New Front Brake


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So far i have been through 3 different front discs and i cant seem to find one thats actually decent.

In the past ive had a hayes 9 and an avid juicy 7 both on 8 inch and im currently running a monty hope mono trial on a 6" g2 and to be honest im very very dissapointed. I can feel the brake almost slipping just rocking, gaps and ups to the front wheel mayaswell just be brakeless. I have month old pads, a new bleed a new rotor (installed with gloves) ive never touched the rotor and keep my bike in a very very clean garage so i dont think its contaminated. I think a complete rebuild of the brake might work but i dont want to spend that money then find out i need a new one anyways.

So ive narrowed it down to 3 different brakes to try.

Avid bb7 with an 8 inch rotor

A new hope mono trial would like to keep a 6 inch

Ive hear good things about the magura gustav too but never actually tried one.

Any suggestions would be awsome. I dont care about weight or modulation i just want something that will lock.



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ive just changed from a maggy louise to a avid bb7 with standard pads with sd7 lever and linear cable and its mental got loads of bite and modulation in my mind prefer it to maggy,or if you go vee i had xtr brake setup with heatsink coust pads in alu backs was absolutely crazy sharp but hardly any modulation. just my opinions on a couple of setups if any help to you.

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A mono trial is definitely more powerful than a Juicy, is yours? If it isn't as good as your old juicy then something is wrong. There's no point trying to spend your way out of a problem until you first know what you're trying to fix! What makes you think a complete brake rebuild will help? From the little info you gave it sounds more like either a set-up issue, contaminated pads or simply that it hasn't bed in yet.

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I have been trying to figure out what is wrong with it for the duration of my ownership. I know how to set a brake up and i know that its not contaminated and the pads should be bed in by now. The lever weeps fluid out of the top cap and out of the master cylinder so i had it rebuilt and have the same problem. I cannot store my bike upside down as when i come back in the morning there will be a small puddle of fluid sitting on the ground.

Ive just gotten to the point where im fed up with it. Brakes and me dont seem to get along, ive been through 3 different set ups and almost 10 pairs of pads out back and have just found a pair that seem to work for me so now i want to get the front to be somewhere close. It just really feels like not having a decent front brake is holding me back. There are a number to techniques that i just dont bother with anymore because i know ill just get frustrated.

As for the front vee my fork has not vee mounts on it and i would prefer to stay with a disc anyways.

What im hearing is a bb7 with linear cables, would the ultimate levers be of any value over the sd7 ones or are they just lighter??



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I have been trying to figure out what is wrong with it for the duration of my ownership. I know how to set a brake up and i know that its not contaminated and the pads should be bed in by now. The lever weeps fluid out of the top cap and out of the master cylinder so i had it rebuilt and have the same problem. I cannot store my bike upside down as when i come back in the morning there will be a small puddle of fluid sitting on the ground.

Ive just gotten to the point where im fed up with it. Brakes and me dont seem to get along, ive been through 3 different set ups and almost 10 pairs of pads out back and have just found a pair that seem to work for me so now i want to get the front to be somewhere close. It just really feels like not having a decent front brake is holding me back. There are a number to techniques that i just dont bother with anymore because i know ill just get frustrated.

As for the front vee my fork has not vee mounts on it and i would prefer to stay with a disc anyways.

What im hearing is a bb7 with linear cables, would the ultimate levers be of any value over the sd7 ones or are they just lighter??



BB7, xtr/sd7 lever, good cable, avid pads, 185+ rotor......sorted.

I've tried mono trials, and i just cant seem to get them to work as well as my avid

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sounds like the pads are either glazed or contiminated.....

whats the tempreture where you live at the moment?

firstly i would try new pads and a 180mm, go to top of the bigest hill around, pour some clean water over the pads and rotor..... get to full speed and make some hard stops, hard as possible with out going over the bars,,do that ten times... and see what the out come is....

you should beable to tell if it gets contaiminated by the sound it makes when wet... would be a horrible juddering sound...

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Front vee is the answer when set up right just endless power but as said no modulation so its full lock or nothing.

If you really want to stick to disk then i used to run a shimano slx on the pads it came with and the 160mm rotor it came with and it was immense! Didnt matter how much crap i got in it, it just kept going with no problems. Plus they aren't much in price and are well worth it.

Hope this helps


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Well i use a QUAD brake, not sure which model it is if i'm honest. I have a feeling that it's a Sting - QHD1 but not certain. But i think it is amazing to be honest, always locks when you want theres alot of modulation too, feels very nice :) However when my friend had it on his stock it didn't seem to be as good. I think he was using a 180mm rotor. That is what size i use on my mod and its great !

Adam (Y)

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