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Angry Bird's Guide To Bunnyhopping


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Hey guys, I am very new to this forum, however I find it very interesting, it is inspiring to see so many like minded people in one place such a wonderful, fantastic community of a fantastic underappreciated sport. I joined to be a part of this fascinating experience, no longer do I have to trawl the local bars to have a good chat about trials! Now one thing I think is a major problem, and of course is still problematic is attracting new faces to this intreging sport. It is not particularly friendly, and of course its interest lies deep behind the likeness of mountain biking, skateboarding and other popular wheel based activities, most of us have come from such a background, of course we were all looking for something far more complex for our natural taste, hence trails biking came into popularity, the feeling of gravity hitting your behind in such a manner of danger and adreline is one that cannot be matched by anything, literally anything! Mark my very own words, this will become a sport for the generations to come, it will outlive all sports, the problem with other such activities rooted firmly in the ground root of wheels is that they do not adapt towards their environments, noone wants to ride on a skateboard with suspention, but of course this is needed for for trails to become effective, especially for the momentum of bunny hopping as I shall get on towards soon. A bit of background from me, I have mastered many activities like this in the past, I do lots of parkour in my city area, I have used many different modes of transport to achieve this, you name it, i've done it. I've done trails with the best of people in my area, and tell me you, we have learned, improved and evolved the art of trails biking to a masterpiece of perfection, so do not doubt my excellence when i explain the technique of bunny hopping, it is both contrivertial, and obvious, most of you do it mentally when you wake up, go to sleep, eat, go take a shower, it is natural to all of your sense, therefore will take no time at all to percieve, yes you will fail at first, but do you remember walking so easily? It takes practise my pupils, so have patience, try is an option here!

Ok to bunnyhop properly, you first need to set your trails bike up properly in the right fashion, we are going to be what we call "binding" this is crucial, without this bunny hopping is but a mere dream, most professional trail bikers will agree with what i am about to say, even if the name seems very alien to your mind, that is not much of a problem, as i am about to show you.first you need to be at a standard rate of speed for this to work, on ground that is open enough to have the room needed for this manouvere, the default speed we shall set will be roughly 250 units, depending on if your usp has been properly fastened or equiped for a better word, your bike will only go at 250 units with this, or perhaps the mb2(brand: knife) fastened there instead. Please note that if you are rich enough to own the schmidt then that is a fantastic way of making your bunnyhopping fantastic, bar none, you will be faster and more accurate. scout company say that the schmidt is 4% faster than if you were to equip a usp whilst bunnyhopping, this is probably not too important for beginners learning the basics. Other dorps that work well to your advantage in terms of speed and flexibility include: Steyr branded TMP, the ingrams (2nd hand are far better for value), and most h&K branded will work the same.If you believe your bike is properly set up and wish to skip this, then fine, but don't say I did not warn you of this both extremely very dangerously underestimated sport, when you inevitably get injured.

Now to actually take advantage of binding your trails bike in the correct manner, you must first bind your wheel to jump whether you prefer the front or hind for the hopping is up to you, however the rear wheel is traditional. Now make sure your turning is adjusted to a good feeling acceleration value, we need to achieve the angle point set of 45 degrees every time for this to work out the way it should without injury and forward momentum, you should eventually be able to bunny hop up a hill without any effort, this is the value of bunny hopping.

Once you gain 250units of speed, you must pull on your binded wheel for jumping, you can tie it to be part of your pedaling cycle, but this is frowned upon in the community, once you jump, you must sharply turn to the left or right by 45 degrees farenheight, and as soon as you land, pull on your binded wheel, simply once for perfect execution, and sharply turn in the opositte direction to 45 degrees, once you have achieved this, you should continue doing it in a circle until the forward momentum pulls you forward.

I hope you have learned something today, I have been writing this for roughly a week, I just felt the need to give something to the community, as a sort of present for allowing me to join your wounderous presense, god bless you, AngryBIrd

PS, I will be recording a video shortly to explain my actions for the lesser able among you.

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Thank you sir, for you are the saviour. I've been trying this for years and it seems the problem was that I was only using 180 units.

Where should I send the plastic photon limpists that you will no doubt want for your troubles?

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sharply turn to the left or right by 45 degrees farenheight

I actually read the whole thing and it makes no sense to be honest. What are you trying to teach? How to bunnyhop your bike....? Whats with the fancy equipment, and farenheight is a measure of temperature so... :\

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Haha, you know this is just a regular member seeing if they can get validated with jibberish, it worked. I want to say it's Mark, but I don't think so. :ermm:

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Thank you sir, for you are the saviour. I've been trying this for years and it seems the problem was that I was only using 180 units.

Where should I send the plastic photon limpists that you will no doubt want for your troubles?

Haha! That is quite funny of you my good friend, but isn't photon limpsts but a mere theory and not something physical? I don't think you can get anything that is both plastic and electromagnetic without serious conjecture to severe burns and loss of form, also elecromagnetic snails (as far as I know) do not exist, I am almost very sure if it were in contact with a body of water it would both injure itself, and its surroundings, that would surely be reported by now! And of course plastic snails are nonexistant to (living ones I hope!) haha! Good on you.


not trails.

Oh wait, it's a pisstake. Tl;dr until now.

Sorry it was quite late when I finished this, I shall correct my changes, I do not mean to offend you, please do not take my apology in any way other than the positive one pleasantly.

I actually read the whole thing and it makes no sense to be honest. What are you trying to teach? How to bunnyhop your bike....? Whats with the fancy equipment, and farenheight is a measure of temperature so... :\

Yes I am attempting to teach people like yourself how to bunny hop with your bike, rather than making your bike bunnyhop! Hah! I always believed the equiptment to be typical and a must have in the trials community no? It is a simple list and most trails bikers own them, also my quoted friend what do you mean by farenheight?

Um.. What!? Kinda a pain to read and what units should the units be? lol

I am sorry, I read it over and in my very own head it was quite readable for all ages of trails bikers, what should I change and how should i make it less painful to read? Was it mentally painful or painful on your eyes out of interest? As for your interesting question in the questioning of the typical standard of units, the units are the measurement of movement/speed in a 1 to 1 ratio in simple terms, they are a perfect way for writers to describe complex techniques in text form without pictures for base explaination.

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I am sorry, I read it over and in my very own head it was quite readable for all ages of trails bikers, what should I change and how should i make it less painful to read? Was it mentally painful or painful on your eyes out of interest? As for your interesting question in the questioning of the typical standard of units, the units are the measurement of movement/speed in a 1 to 1 ratio in simple terms, they are a perfect way for writers to describe complex techniques in text form without pictures for base explaination.

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Could start with making it make more sense first, Sir.

Thank you for your generous feedback my quoted friend, firstly I shall make it read with some more sense, also please it would be very pleasing towards myself and others if you just simply referred and replied to me as angrybird, thank you.

And not to mention, thank you so much for the lovely validation vote, I appreciate your kindness, however I am not understand what a validation vote is, and it was it consists and compiles of, thank you for you up coming responce.

Here is my conclusion:

He sounds like a posher version of will from the inbetweeners...

I like the inbetweeners...

Have a validation vote :D

I am not entirely, or in fragments sure who this will is who you speak of, where is inbetweeners? Is it a show programme on television, or a movie?

I appreciate your vote again, however I do not understand what its worth of is here in this community of trialist bikers.

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This is cringeworthy.

Hah it must be a slow day, because again I do not understand your posting! What are you refering to cringe? And is cringeworthy a word or is it meant to be two seperate words? Or is there a different meaning when combined? Sorry I am confused. Are your reffering to my techniques because I never need to close my eyes or shield my face whilst bunnyhopping, i assure you it is entirely safe, even if you were reacting with your head and face in the manner of cringing would not protect you so much haha! However I'm not sure if that is what you meant my good friend, because are you saying it is worthy of protection? Does that mean you do not need to protect yourself like I have mentioned beforehand in my post you are reading? Thank you so very much for your upcoming reply.

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Fking gay to troll to be honest, i actually read it properly to try and actually help :\. Pretty annoying really.

You read it properly and wanted to help? More fool you to be honest...

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