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Mechanical Question About Bottom Bracket Shell


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Hi all,

My onza zoot 24 bottom bracket shell (on the left hand side) keeps comming loose inside the frame housing, iv tried putting some locktite on the threads but had no luck. I only manage to ride for about an hour before i have to remove the pedal arm and re tighten the shell into the frame! Any ideas on how i can stop this loosening..? is this common?


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Sound like the cup is not tightening against the bb. Dose it go tight and what do you use to tighten it ie, a long handle ratchet

Is it the right size of bb for frame if too small it wont tighten against bb and only tight in frame and would come loose

Measure the frames bb shell and see what the bb says on it

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what bb is it?


i have the same problem with my truvativ bb (though it takes longer to happen).

are you sure you are tightening it up enough as sometimes that is the problem. also as already said with loctite you have to clean everything properly first.

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Thanks for your answers guys, it is the correct BB as it is the original from new. i did clean the threads but on reflection probably not as much as i should have? maybe i will clean in petrol/paraffin to remove all the grease before loctiting. Can anyone recommend the best loctite for the job (seems to be so many versions...) Also how tight should i be tightening, i use the special tool on the end of a 6" wrench and normal get to the point where it gets tight then give it a final "nip" maybe a little more..?



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Petrol is no good as a degreaser, its oil based ;)

Surgical spirit (from boots) or cellulose thinners (from wilkos) both make very good freely available degreasers.

Any threadlocking loctite will suffice, you dont want one of the permanent adhesives though! Your tightening torque sounds about right, shouldnt need much to lock it in. Just to make sure, youre tightening the right hand cup up to the BB shell and then tightening the left hand cup?

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Petrol is no good as a degreaser, its oil based ;)

Surgical spirit (from boots) or cellulose thinners (from wilkos) both make very good freely available degreasers.

Any threadlocking loctite will suffice, you dont want one of the permanent adhesives though! Your tightening torque sounds about right, shouldnt need much to lock it in. Just to make sure, youre tightening the right hand cup up to the BB shell and then tightening the left hand cup?

That was my thought, you are only putting the left hand cup in half way, torqueing the right hand cup up and then tightening the left hand one.? It's unlikely you are, but if you're doing the left hand cup up all the way before the right hand you maybe preventing it from tightening up properly.

I've never come across a BB that won't stay tight in the BB shell, usually the opposite.

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Take all information as if your standing over the bike , so as not to cause confusion. the left hand cup ( non drive side) is better known as the "guide cup" at first you must only thread it in half way.

Then begin installing the drive side, by installing the non drive side first you give the right side a guide so as not to cross thread the drive side. Install the drive side tight to the frame, as tight as

you can manage then if you feel it needed get a cheater bar and give it that little extra. after the drive side is snug as can be finish installing the non drive side, so not over tighten if you have a plastic cup.

Once this is all complete assemble the cranks onto the bike, tighten them to torque speck by your manufactures recommendation. grab both cranks and rock them to see if there is play, if not go ride it for a few minutes.

Then re check for play, hopefully this has helped.

A really good cleaner use white lightning able to be purchase in most bike shops. Also known as Clean streak or metal prep. make sure to remove all residue with a rag after doing this.

If you find yourself unable to complete this task you might seek professional help as to not damage your bike. The bottom bracket is the heart of the bike if you damage it she wont run.

good luck from Canada.


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