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Gary-Mac Echo Pure Vid#1


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Hi folks, right i put some clips together, 1st ever video no music as i am U.S with computers but will learn soon enough. Nothing big or crazy, Been riding for 4.5 month properly, had the basics from many years ago plus i think my motorcycle career has helped with learning moves and picking out lines on rocks etc. Been riding a onza limey 3 for the whole 4.5 months and have just built this new echo pure up, only my 2nd time on it, think its safe to say i LIKE it alot. rides awesome with the geo and set up.

anyway the main reason for the vid is so you can all give me pointers on moves etc. really wanting to improve, so far so good though.



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You riding intermediate at the comp Gary? If so then damn if got some hard competition :unsure:

Lol riding the elite/expert as kevin duke said noway am aloud to ride inters. I don't think am that good but i always say that about my riding on the motor trials aswell. When i put my mind to it i can pick things up quick if i can watch someone or even a video. The main reason for the video is for people to criticise and point out things am doing wrong, sidehops and up to front moves are causeing me abit of a problem at the moment.

I was gonna say 4.5 months my arse! :lol:

But seriously that is an amazing achievement that vid was awesome and I am glad you didn't put music on it.

It made me wanna go ride more than any other vid I have seen this year!


4.5 months is true by the way!! I had afew cycle trials bikes when i was younger and never tried to be any good just messed about hense why i had the basics to start from, so MID OCTOBER i got the limey 3 and started putting my mind to it and so far have improved after every ride. The confidence comes from the motorcycle side.

Thanks alot though dude, i liked it with out the music, love good brakes!!

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No offence gary but its new starters like you who disgust me!! Some amazing progress made in such a short time, your success on your motorbike really shows in how you've come on so fast. Hopefully meet you at a comp at some point, great vids mate!

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No offence gary but its new starters like you who disgust me!! Some amazing progress made in such a short time, your success on your motorbike really shows in how you've come on so fast. Hopefully meet you at a comp at some point, great vids mate!

no offence taking lol, i find this so much fun but at the same time i try really hard to understand techniques to learn fast. hours of watching videos and trial&error. never know i might show face at a btc, i'll be at the one at the world down hill if any of you are heading up to nevis range, be great to see new faces and watch the best strut there stuff. thanks bud.

nice video man , your getting good quick , i got scared when you brake slipped :L

keep it up man !

thanks pal, yeah that was a dodgy moment but didn't panic and it paid off as the rock in front helped stop the bike.


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Lol riding the elite/expert

Im tempted to ride elite/expert aswell but the thing that puts me off is i dont know how hard the sections are. Intermediate at the fort william comp is perfectly suited to my level but expert is just rediculous, but the the competition i rode in east lothian which i rode intermediate at that kevin set up was to easy for me. Owell i might just give expert a bash anyway :P

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:blink: At first i watched the second single clip and though you was going to gap to the grass after read that you have been riding for 4.5 months, then you beasted over to the step! You obviously have a natural talent for bicycle trials, keep at it! (Y)
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Im tempted to ride elite/expert aswell but the thing that puts me off is i dont know how hard the sections are. Intermediate at the fort william comp is perfectly suited to my level but expert is just rediculous, but the the competition i rode in east lothian which i rode intermediate at that kevin set up was to easy for me. Owell i might just give expert a bash anyway :P

some of that big gaps and drops off the rocks are similer to the expert. quite big and if its wet well i think i'll be wearing a nappy cause i will be sh1*ting myself lol.

:blink: At first i watched the second single clip and though you was going to gap to the grass after read that you have been riding for 4.5 months, then you beasted over to the step! You obviously have a natural talent for bicycle trials, keep at it! (Y)

Cheers sam, that gap has taking me awile to master, when i first started back 4 odd month back i seen that gap and said by early next year i want to master that, so i did. same go's with that side hop up the loading bay off that board. i tried that back in 5th 6th febuary on the limey and just couldn't get it, 1st shot on the echo the other day and bang , job done. If i fail i won't stop i just keep going till i suss it even if i am hanging.

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Looks good Gary! You're very balanced on that Echo.

The neater flow and style will sure come with time.

alright ross, spot on, i love the new frame. hopefully by watching you guys i'll pick up tech moves and style along the way!! i'll have hawk eyes on you guys this wkend.

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Very impressive indeed for 4 ish months. Obviously it's worth people bearing in mind you didn't start this from nowhere - being the No1 Scottish motorcycle trials rider has got to help a tad! Still, I know I wouldn't be able to transfer the biketrials skills to the motor version so quickly, so kudos!

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Very impressive indeed for 4 ish months. Obviously it's worth people bearing in mind you didn't start this from nowhere - being the No1 Scottish motorcycle trials rider has got to help a tad! Still, I know I wouldn't be able to transfer the biketrials skills to the motor version so quickly, so kudos!

thanks bud, don't forget 2010 british expert A trials champion :giggle: . i did have the basics as i have messed about on these bikes when i was younger but i have really put some effort in since november and so far getting better and better learning loads all the time. shame i don't have any top riders to learn from near me. (N)

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Haha aye aye will need to see that to belive it. WIll need to come back soon though. Then you can show me how its done. And johny in all if he can find you.

Next time we get a group down and its nice weather i'll take the gasser out and show you how man size rocks are done. if you can find me that is.

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