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Pedals Gashing Shins


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i know im not a good rider, but my knees are dead! did one the other night, one of my pedal pins went into the bottom of my leg, so i moved my leg up and it dub a 1 inch gash up (1 inch isnt very big) it wasnt sore, but now when i feel it its like a worm shape in my leg and it goes in about 3mm

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I rarely slip off my pedals but before I had shin pads, I got a few really nasty ones that went basically all the way down my shin. I rarely ride without shin pads now. I decided it's better to have hot, sweaty shins then unwanted gashes and some pain.

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I had one a few rides after starting back,old adidas allstars and rain make for comedy banana skin slippage as i found out when i over tucked a weeny gap i was trying to make.felt sick instantly.......partly through pain,some through thinking i could see my shin bone,mostly by thinking i had my shin pads in my bag which i hadn't bothered putting on. Bled so much, to the amusement of the mrs,i nicked one of her 'lady towels' and taped it to my shin, looked stupid but couldn't fault the logic,no blood all over the bed! Trust me,looks stupid but if you haven't got a whacking great dressing to put on its the next best thing! Monty boots were out the next week, davos sole,like on the ribos, for those in the know!

Edited by murph82
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I had one a few rides after starting back,old adidas allstars and rain make for comedy banana skin slippage as i found out when i over tucked a weeny gap i was trying to make.felt sick instantly.......partly through pain,some through thinking i could see my shin bone,mostly by thinking i had my shin pads in my bag which i hadn't bothered putting on. Bled so much, to the amusement of the mrs,i nicked one of her 'lady towels' and taped it to my shin, looked stupid but couldn't fault the logic,no blood all over the bed! Trust me,looks stupid but if you haven't got a whacking great dressing to put on its the next best thing! Monty boots were out the next week, davos sole,like on the ribos, for those in the know!

YES!!! Fanny pads are great for loads of things, like when my missus went to have blood taken the first time she was pregnant and went really light headed and nearly collapsed (she hates needles and stuff). The nurse doing it couldn't find a cloth to cool her down so grabbed a sanitary towel, flushed it with cold water and stuck it on my birds forehead.

Pure class though she told me to never tell anyone, er, oops!

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I got a DMR v8 stuck in my shin...

Slipped and caught my right trouser leg in the chain, it pulled the pedal into my left leg so hard. Trust me unbolting a pedal covered in your own blood lying on the pavement is neither comfortable nor dignified. I now have a floaty bit of shin bone in my left leg! Hazaa!

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