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Question About My First Trials Bike


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lower tyre pressure, try between 20-30 psi depending on your tyres setup and body weight. Something that helped me was, don't try to hop! Try to stay still and use the hops to correct your balance (left/right/front back).

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when you're doing back wheel hops, if you wanna get pedal kicks, try to let the back brake off, pedal a little, so the bike does a little roll, then lock up the brake again, correct your balance, and repeat... ultimatley the only thing you can do is practise and no amount of reading guides and advice online will help as much, it helps to film yourself and meet other, more experienced riders who can critique and advise based on what they see...

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As above, you might want a lower pressure in the rear tyre. The technique slowly comes to you with practice but keep in mind that small minimal movement hops are best.

i carnt do minimal movements atm i am just hopping anywhere and everywhere :P

think i just need practice

when you're doing back wheel hops, if you wanna get pedal kicks, try to let the back brake off, pedal a little, so the bike does a little roll, then lock up the brake again, correct your balance, and repeat... ultimatley the only thing you can do is practise and no amount of reading guides and advice online will help as much, it helps to film yourself and meet other, more experienced riders who can critique and advise based on what they see...

i think thats pritty impossible atm need to work on trackstands and manuals alot more before i start doing that lol :wink::P

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i still can't manual after 6 years riding... don't let them yomp up your time. balancing static is different to a manual somehow. try learning to roll up and down things too, aim to roll up something about 1ft in height, front wheel on, front brake on, lean over, roll up... have you found trashzen? super useful... and do start pushing to learn pedal hops, the sooner you start the sooner you'll get em sussed, and since all static moves are a variation of the pedal hop, it hekps to get your head around it...

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Soon as you learn pedal hops you're away and you'll be astonished at the rate you'll improve.

Because you'll find your self pedal hopping off stuff, up stuff, to the side of stuff which will inturn build your confidence right up and you'll just get better.

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one 14 post thread to long to skim over? he's cracked his stem clamp.. with stems and bars i always prefer to buy new as if they fail it's your face that takes it... no thanks, risk 2nd hand if you fancy your chances i guess

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