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North Korea


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On the telly today I heard (haven't been able to verify it in other sources) that Korea is going to declare war "today or tomorrow" :mellow: Perhaps they're waiting for the right weather?

I just hope that if there is a war, N.Korean soldiers notice at some stage that they have been lied to and that the country they're fighting for is not a superpower. Actually, I can imagine the regime behaving similarly to 1984, faking news reports of successful military strikes.

Matt, I know this is a bit off topic but what's wrong with Kia? They're starting to make really good cars, their rate of progress is massive.

Edited by Greetings
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On the telly today I heard (haven't been able to verify it in other sources) that Korea is going to declare war "today or tomorrow" :mellow: Perhaps they're waiting for the right weather?

I just hope that if there is a war, N.Korean soldiers notice at some stage that they have been lied to and that the country they're fighting for is not a superpower. Actually, I can imagine the regime behaving similarly to 1984, faking news reports of successful military strikes.

Matt, I know this is a bit off topic but what's wrong with Kia? They're starting to make really good cars, their rate of progress is massive.

Telly -You mean controlled media.You only see what they want you to see ;) Usually always negative to keep people in a lower state of consciousness

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Telly -You mean controlled media.You only see what they want you to see ;) Usually always negative to keep people in a lower state of consciousness

Though I've not seen a lot of N.Korean telly, the telly here in UK is quite deregatory; there's a series on about parents putting their children to bed? We have a lot more to watch, but that's a lot more mindless sh*t to watch too.

I read about some basketball player called Rodman who visited Kim Jong Un in N Korea and he said they got on quite well. This is starting to seem common with dictators ruling by fear and brainwashing. That is they are very manipulative, paranoid and easy to get on with. I'm sure there are others but I know Pol Pot of Cambodia was described as paranoia nearly to the point of insanity.

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While it is certainly difficult to get a sense of what exactly the North Koreans are actually saying, one of the most interesting takes came from B.R. Myers, a professor at Dongseo University in South Korea. He was quoted by a New York Times blog (Lede, 3/29/13):

We need to keep in mind that North and South Korea are not so much trading outright threats as trading blustering vows of how they would retaliate if attacked. The North says, "If the U.S. or South Korea dare infringe on our territory, we will reduce their territory to ashes," and Seoul responds by saying
. And so it goes.

I think the international press is distorting the reality somewhat by simply publishing the second half of all these conditional sentences. And I have to say from watching North Korea's evening news broadcasts for the past week or so, the North Korean media are not quite as wrapped up in this war mood as one might think. The announcers spend the first 10 minutes or so reporting on peaceful matters before they start ranting about the enemy.

Edited by Ben Rowlands
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I think the international press is distorting the reality somewhat by simply publishing the second half of all these conditional sentences. And I have to say from watching North Korea's evening news broadcasts for the past week or so, the North Korean media are not quite as wrapped up in this war mood as one might think.

I think you're right, but going a bit overly anti-illuminati etc on it all. The BBC says this happens every year:


first paragraphs

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On the telly today I heard (haven't been able to verify it in other sources) that Korea is going to declare war "today or tomorrow" :mellow: Perhaps they're waiting for the right weather?

I just hope that if there is a war, N.Korean soldiers notice at some stage that they have been lied to and that the country they're fighting for is not a superpower. Actually, I can imagine the regime behaving similarly to 1984, faking news reports of successful military strikes.

Matt, I know this is a bit off topic but what's wrong with Kia? They're starting to make really good cars, their rate of progress is massive.

what you mean? Like last time? Hahahahaha or the viet cong in vietnam?

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