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Getting old...


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Ever since I started riding bikes when I was a kid I'd always hear some people say they're getting too old for this - some of them weren't even 20 at the time. Fast forward a few years and it's still the same thing, especially with BMX - it seems once a lot of people get past 20 they start to think it's time to slow down with riding and instead opt for the thrills of their play stations when they get home from work...

I just saw this posted by Danny and I think it's truly inspirational! It almost makes getting old seem fun, knowing that I'll probably be able to get on one of the high tech carbon hover bikes or whatever they'll have in the future and pull a couple of wheelies :)


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I must admit, when i rode back around 10 years ago, i stopped, i was never that good at trials, yet most of my friends "grew up" as it were, got into jobs that meant they moved away, or simply found no time, plus if they fell, the youngster inside them never got up quite as quickly as it used to, injuries took longer to heal, and that "gap" suddenly wasn't a case of "just going for it" but more "what if i hurt myself" !

That being said, i started riding again this year, convinced one old rider to join me at a few trials, and it has been the best decision of riding to date!

I am a bit too old in terms of riding street that i do look at property and think "What if that were my bench or wall" that I'd scratch, but have really enjoyed riding comps this year! Aim to do even more next!

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once you got children you have the duty to be there,know what i mean?

has nothing to do with being scared(i did 6m gap dj-doubles back in the days i had no own family),i just dont go as big as i would because my whole family would be ****ed if i´d break my spine or something

Edited by FamilyBiker
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I'm starting again soon. I'm 31 with an almost 5 years off. The older you get the more intelligent and tech your riding becomes. I can't bend like the young uns or jump as high but I get enjoyment from nice awkward lines.

I've roped another old friend into it who used to ride too and I've endless lines to build my skill (not a lot though lol!) back up.

You'll pick it all up quick I bet.

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The argument I normally use though is that of people like Sir Chris Hoy - he's getting close to 40 and he's fitter than just about any 15 year old. When you say you're not as fit as you were when you were younger is it because with age the body gets weaker or is it because as you "grow up" you ride less and get weaker? I remember reading something recently about a study that shown new muscle tissue you get from working out looks exactly the same under a microscope in someone who's 70 and someone who's 17. My argument here being that if you carry on exercising your body stays relatively the same? I'm just chatting sh*t now though :P

I think I'm just worried about getting old so I'm trying to make myself believe if I carry on riding it won't feel any different when I'm 50 :P

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looks exactly the same under a microscope in someone who's 70 and someone who's 17

But a 70 year old can't built up muscles as a 17 year old can. Even at 30 you are disadvantaged already.

In my case I'm stronger than I was at 17 and jump a lot higher as well, having played basketball professionally for almost 10 years. I just recently got into (Street) Trials and the point is that I'm just plain scared now where I wouldn't have been at 17. You think more about injuries when you get older.

Edited by niconj
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In my case (Im 33) being scared is not the reason I don't do things that I reckon would be risky. It is simply that I cannot afford not going to work the day after because I've broken my ankle. I love riding and challenging myself but there are things in life that come first. I think the way you choose what your preferences in life are is one point of growing up? 20 years ago I would have only thought 24/7 of doing that line no matter what... but no anymore

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Maintaining isn't building up.

Don't matter so much. Steroids FТW.

Anyway there are millions of idiots jerking online for hours everyday/playing xbox/ps43/PC instead of having some real hobbies. I don't want to say video games are bad, just these persons are some real downers and there are even nothing to talk about with them.

I think that you've got to have many interests and hobbies, some of them you have to be impassioned with (like I impassioned with riding for example) because you are a human, not a dog or hamster, and if you are a human you have fantastic potential and can achieve very much in various fields.
Edited by TriаlsRider
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In my case it's what ifs, when I rode dh when I was younger I never thought,just did. where as now I think too much,think about my previous injuries, and what a new injury would do to me. So I guess I'd admit that yeah, I'm scared of taking some things on,I normally build myself up to do it though

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In my case it's what ifs, when I rode dh when I was younger I never thought,just did. where as now I think too much,think about my previous injuries, and what a new injury would do to me. So I guess I'd admit that yeah, I'm scared of taking some things on,I normally build myself up to do it though

You can just think how to do dangerous trick/line with minimal risk + falling experience is a great thing (when you know what to do when something goes wrong and when falling isn't something special for you). By the way fighting fear is one of the most important thing in riding that directly affects on your progress. Someone said: "do something that scares you every ride". Also some parkour experience may help. I can just jump down from 4m on concrete without rolling, but afraid to do 2+m drops, and this makes me feel pretty stupid and cowardly. And almost always when I just walk and see on some stairs I want to drop on my bike or other thing I want to jump on/off/etc. I think "WTF, it's so freakin low, easy and noobish" but when I'm on bike it looks pretty hard/scary.

Edited by TriаlsRider
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I think the older we become the more risk averse we get. I still love riding and the feeling i get from it. But i also love the fact that i work and have a family to provide for so i have to balance it out a little more than i would of done say 15 years ago

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In my case (Im 33) being scared is not the reason I don't do things that I reckon would be risky. It is simply that I cannot afford not going to work the day after because I've broken my ankle. I love riding and challenging myself but there are things in life that come first. I think the way you choose what your preferences in life are is one point of growing up? 20 years ago I would have only thought 24/7 of doing that line no matter what... but no anymore

too risky, ha.. the day I met you I've never seen as many bails :D
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If your scared, your not riding enough.

getting old isn't a problem for muscles its bones and joints that wear out.

if your not getting knee, ankle, spine, wrist or shoulder problems then your doing well.

for me i just don't get out on the bike enough i am lucky if i get out once a week during winter.

i loose confidence in my skills.

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Getting old for me means having less time to ride as other 'adult' responsibilities get in the way, work, family, finances .etc., and because of all those other stuff getting in the way not being in the same physical condition.

I first start riding when I was 16/17, I'm now 30 and stopped riding for about 8 years, only recently getting back into it just after summer (been on maybe half a dozen rides), the hardest thing about getting back on a bike is not being able to do the level of stuff that used to be easy - i'm not saying I was a great rider but I wasn't 'bad', I could do some decent sized stuff.....but not a chance now with 70% of the stuff, physically and mentally I can't do it.

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Getting old for me means having less time to ride as other 'adult' responsibilities get in the way, work, family, finances .etc., and because of all those other stuff getting in the way not being in the same physical condition.

Interesting topic...

I pretty much agree that work and family stuff (chores but also just taking time to do things together rather than on your own on some rocks) do get in the way big time, and I struggle to ride more than 3 times a week.

And that's when you're just happy to be able to maintain your mental and physical level from one ride to the other. And obviously, one of the nice things in trials is to learn and feel a progression. You just want to be able to ride better than 3 months ago, whatever your level. As a beginner, it's easier to see the progression. As a more experienced rider, you'll be more demanding and will feel the stagnation or the regression more easily.

But there's no going back, you'll get older and trials is not really doing anything good to your joints and I guess that some day, if your body tells you that's enough, you may want to consider a softer sport or just move to more regular biking so you can enjoy staying fit without the repetitive injuries.

Then, there is family pressure...

My wife keeps telling me I should stop before I hurt myself big time... I always argue that I may well do so and get hit by a stupid car simply for being less alert as an unfit pedestrian (A) but the truth is I rarely get hurt except when riding my bike :$

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