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First proper video in a while....


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So I fitted a new freewheel yesterday so thought I would have a ride to bed it in. I'm not content with the video as there's a lot of time between moves. I haven't rode properly for a while due to losing my nerve and getting old.

So don't expect whopping TGS....in fact...there ain't any. The camera royally bent the image. The lines there are big (for me) and are off camber and slippy as hell.

Anyways...enjoy everyone :flowers:

Oh and as I type this its still converting on Vimeo so give it a bit.


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Not sure what it was off. Its familiar on a video but cant put my finger on it. It really is a lovely spot. I'm looking forward to riding there in summer when its red hot and legging it into the sea! Fingers crossed with the weather changing that'll be sooner than later!

Really. Appreciate to comments so far. My next video will be started soon I just need to get a couple of things down and some lines too.

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