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Calling for support for regional clubs.


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Calling all trials riders. need your help. numbers of entries at observed trials events are getting lower and lower. please help by supporting your local comp.

i would like to ask that all those of you that are able to attend the Crowthorne Cycle Trials Club event on the 6th of july at bransgore in hampshire please like this if you will attend. with out these clubs the sport will soon be no more. i hope to see some old and new faces.

this is not only a plea for the crowthorne club but all clubs as with out the riders and the introduction to new riders we may not have a breed of new stars like jack carthy.


Edited by skuzzbucket
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most clubs are up for some input. i know my local has tried to do events around the south to encourage riders.

they did 1 event in penhurst but only got about a dozen riders turn up and i think under half was from kent area.

next 1 is nearer bournemouth. hope to see some of the poole and dorset riders.

as with rule benders i don't think you can get away from them no matter what sport your in.

i starting to think that i may be fighting a lost cause, i have been involed in this sport since the mid-late 90s and

now getting to that age where i can't push as i used to and i am thinking of trying to start a southern championship which would be over the south, south west and south east.

was thinking of trying to mix up natural and street obstacles

But would i get support of riders or will it fail?

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I always thought a good idea would be based on points still.. But judge it by the difficulty of the line... The harder the line the better the score? Like have 4 setup lines easy to very hard, and still do the dab point scheme but give the riders more option

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Certainly is. It would solve 90% of the problems and make it fairer for everybody competing! as you would have to have a go at said obstacle rather than dabbing through

:teehee: Does it not occur to you that perhaps if the riders could "Go at said obstacle rather than dabbing through" maybe they would?

I think this is going off topic! Riding through flags or riding through tape is going to still result in people using strat dabs.

I would like to see a more fun format brought in as Tartybikes are planning.

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i think that the city centre / sports halls would be a good idea as they would be easy to get to and find then the middle of a forest in no where.

i like the idea to of more uci world style sections but these would possable cost more to set up and put on would the riders be willing to pay that little bit more on entry to the event.

we will try the tape idea at a full comps, but this sometimes limits the options on getting through the gates (without swinging the bike) and i know from the pst that we've had rides moan that things are impossible so we stopped using to much tape as it was turning riders away

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i think that the city centre / sports halls would be a good idea as they would be easy to get to and find then the middle of a forest in no where.

i like the idea to of more uci world style sections but these would possable cost more to set up and put on would the riders be willing to pay that little bit more on entry to the event.

we will try the tape idea at a full comps, but this sometimes limits the options on getting through the gates (without swinging the bike) and i know from the pst that we've had rides moan that things are impossible so we stopped using to much tape as it was turning riders away

So not taping the section out so a rider can swing a bike through a gate is acceptable? Goes against the whole ethos of trials to me.

I, and I suspect many of the older generation of rider, as well as the more expert/elite level riders would welcome a competition like that. Trials by definition is getting over an obstacle with out putting your feet down, be it over a rock or log, through a set of section markers. Putting a foot down and swinging your bike through a gate is not in the spirit of the sport, which ever way people try and sugar coat it

Edited by bing
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Isn't that a tactical dab though, can also help you have a rest and the like.

I don't think that's the problem at all, the problem for me is seeing the pushy parents with their children at comps. Really makes me cringe as mine were never like that, way more relaxed and I love that.

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As silly as it sounds I think I genuinely hate how muddy and dirty normal comps all are even if it's dry.

I've only been to 2 and they were both at Crowthorne and I couldn't justify driving that far again for a bit of natty, there's natural spots less than half an hour from me and I can make my own routes...

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