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Brake booster help.


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Hi, i ride an 08 GU Le stock and there is no in built booster so is very flexy. I have been using one of these Echo Urban four bolt http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/4bolt_boosters/echo_urban_4bolt/c3p10604.html

It has improved the brake loads but there is still a lot of flex. Maybe close to 5mm?

Any reccomendations?



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Is that 5mm of frame flex? Other than trying another booster (or frame), I'm not sure. The trialtechs are pretty good, I use a carbon one (the newer one) its very good and I have used a 4 bolt before but I can't compare them so not sure which works out stiffer. I think some of my flex is taken by my rim too, so if you have a very tough rim compared to frame it might look more flexy.... ???

Is the rest of the brake setup okay ? does it feel okay to ride ? 2 or 4 finger lever ?

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Yes the brake is set up ok, water bled not long ago, fresh grind and heatsink yellow pads. I have an 05 magura with 2 finger lever. Maybe 5mm if flex was a slight exaggeration but it is still quite noticable by eye.

The brake holds ok going forwards but backwards its slips more. Like if i come up short of an edge is slips back.


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Are you 100% sure it's the frame flexing and not just one pad hitting the rim first and pushing it over?

I'm pretty sure you'd struggle to flex most frames that much with a 2 finger blade without really going for it, especially with a 4 bolt booster fitted correctly.

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Frame flex can be annoying, but with that setup it might be something different. 2mm really isn't enough to feel horrible at the lever.  Does it actually feel bad when riding?

Is the brake well bled?  A poor bleed can lead to similar results.  Pads are hitting square?

Finding a super old school boat anchor style 4-bolt booster will be a bit stiffer, albeit extremely heavy.  That's what I run, but I have the 4 finger trialtech blades and am fairly heavy.  It just doesn't sound like that is what you need

Edited by cwtrials
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I bled it in a bucket of water, both ways untill nothing came out. Its just the lack of hold backwards which bothers me. Dropping off forwards, gaps etc. it never slips. If i land a pedal up on the edge of a step it doesn't hold that well. This usually makes loads of noise and i slip down. Is this normal and maybe i am just epecting too much?

Pads are square although one hits slightly before the other. Would this cause it?

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yeah what isitafox said, 2mm of flex is normal and should affect the brake. But if you weigh a normal amount the brake shouldn't slip under any condition except coming up short of a corner, theres just too much leverage there. If it is slipping otherwise then thats a problem.

IMO Heatsink yellows are great pads for summer, but they don't work well in the winter or in the wet, TNN ADMs work real good when wet.

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I would advise against a longer lever for now. The brake should be perfectly adaquete with a 2 finger lever. The problem is somewhere else.


If it were me, I would take the brake off, double check the bleed and check slosely for leaks . Make sure the pads and rim are really clean. And then set it up, making sure it is perfectly square. Give it a little bit of time to bed in and see if it has improved.

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