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So You Stumble Upon A Time Machine...


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You hear it everyday. You discuss it everyday. If given the chance to go back to the past, you'd have done something differently, or prevented something else from happening, yeah?

Well my question is, if you really could go back in time, would you really do something that hadn't previously happened? And if you were to do something, what would you do? Would it be something you see as insignificant and feel it wouldn't really change much, or would you do the opposite - something which'll undoubtedly leave a greater stain on the thread of time? I dunno, for example, like would you go to Germany and kill baby Adolf? You could probably morally justify doing that by fobbing out some utilitarianist arguments, I guess. (But that's another interesting question actually... would you kill Hitler?)

Or on the other hand, would you be pedantic and not touch, talk or interrupt anyone or anything, so as not to adjust future events? We've all heard about chaos theories and the butterfly effect (if that's actually, um, a thing). And if that was the case, why would you even bother going back?

Can't think of anything else to write at the mo, so that'll do for now.

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I know i never get to travel in a time machine, as i said to myself i would go back to my 10th birthday, and i dont remember seeing myself there.

Time travel is possible, but you need to go faster than the speed of light, which is impossible.

Just watched the Back to the Future trilogy, ready good!. :D

You couldnt go back and look at the lotto numbers as because you were there befor the draw the numbers would be different. These poeple who got all 6 numbers, but forgot to buy the ticket, they wouldnt have won if they did because if they did buy the ticket, due to cause and effect the numbers would have been different.

You couldnt go back and kill hitler, as if you did that, you wouldnt exsist, as you would be changing the corse of time in a BIG way. You grandparents probably wont meet, so you farther was never born. The problem is now you don't exsist, so you couldnt go back in time and kill hitler.

Also if you have watched Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, theres this restaurant that is so forward in time, you can see the end of the universe. Its VERY expensive, but all you do is when you get back, is open a bank account, and put a penny in, by the time the restaurant is made, you own 2 billion pounds. So you can easiliy afford it.


Edited by JT!
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it depends who built the time machine.

if i built it, went back and killed my grand father, i couldnt have built the time machine to go back, to kill him. so me, my grandfather, my father and the time machine would wink out of existance.

as none of us exist, my brother woudlnt exist because my mother would have met someone else. etc...

if someone else built the time machine, but i went back in it and killed my grandfather, we would wink out of existance, but someone else would go through instead and kill someone....

it would change alot.

but personaly i wouldnt kill any one, id go back and meet myself, tell myself what happens, so i can relive it all, but better.

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I think that the immediate thing i'd do is to of not done somethine to upset my gf at the moment as she's pretty pissed off with me and i'm gutted (Y) Grr (feelin sorry for myself with good reason)

Then ermm, i dunno. Proabably what someone said about the lottery thing....

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Where I used to live there were 2 grammer schools. One cost £5k a year, the other was free but harder to get into. I passed the test for the expensive one, but missed out on the free one by 1 mark. I wish I'd studied harder and passed that test.

The thing is, I'd probably be a different person, different friends, bit of a toff, wouldn't have ridden trials - well not unless I met somebody else who was into it.

Red Dwarf is my favourite programme, and yeah you're right, you'll mess around with causality and all that nonsense.

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like would you go to Germany and kill baby Adolf?

If you did that you would be a complete tosser.

Do you have any idea how much technology and medical knowlage we have due to WW2?

We wold be alot worse off if it wasnt for the war.

Ok, so it was a war, and there was alot of bad parts, but the medical and scientific advances from the war if phonominal.

So if I could go back, I wouldnt want to change much.

Would be nice to see what had happend if I had bought a different car, or didnt take up trials and things like that.

Kind of like the alternate univers therum...........

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If you did that you would be a complete tosser.

Do you have any idea how much technology and medical knowlage we have due to WW2?

We would be a lot worse off if it wasn't for the war.

Ok, so it was a war, and there were a lot of bad parts, but the medical and scientific advances from the war were phenominal.

So if I could go back, I wouldnt want to change much.

Would be nice to see what had happened if I had bought a different car, or didn't take up trials and things like that.

Kind of like the alternate universe theorem...........

are yuo drukn?

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