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Vincent Hermance Itadori 2004 (biu)


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He is a very good rider, those sections would be near on impossible for me :"> . On the second video where he dabs i thought he would have done that bit easy because of his other videos, he seems to ride much better when hes riding street or natural not in comp such as the colorado videos on observed trials.

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He is a very good rider, those sections would be near on impossible for me :"> . On the second video where he dabs i thought he would have done that bit easy because of his other videos, he seems to ride much better when hes riding street or natural not in comp such as the colorado videos on observed trials.

No pressure on street? No tiredness from riding other knackering sections? More mentally exhausted? Not straight-edges and stuff a la street stuff?

The start of the second section seemed pretty tame, really, then there was the drop... but yeah, it was like how that grassy bank section in the Benito videos looked fairly tame but in reality was probably chuffin' hard.

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It also depends highly on the rider, if you saw Benito Ros sidehop handlebar height, he'd make it look effortless and be very smooth. Naturally if that was the only sidehop you'd seen for a while, you'd probably presume it was easy.

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