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Those rocks look really really nice :)

What is the deal with the clocks goin back and forward, is it only for day light saving, or did some arsehole think, I know im going to make the clocks go backwards and forwards just to confuse everyone, becasue i'm that sorta guy?

Marc ( a very sleepy marc at that :ermm: )

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You forgot? Wonder how you remember to post this then, retard.


maybe....just maybe, he was reminded and then posted so share the knowledge.

Yep, thats right.

I forgot, well never knew about it until i was flicking through sky's listings, and realised it went from 12:30 to 2:00.

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I got a little bit confused because I was watching television when the clocks went forward. Usually I'd go to bed whenever and change all the clocks before I went to sleep. However this time I was wacthing a film, which on the listing was 2 hours and 40 mins long which I thought was a bit crazy, but I didn't even think about the clocks going forward halfway through. Silly me.

As for who invented daylight saving time, it was invented by Chris Martn's (guy from Coldplay) grandfather in order to save daylight which is why it's called daylight saving time. It was not invented by some bloke just for a lark.

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When does the forum correct itself?

It doesn't. Im pretty sure you have to correct it yourself from your control panel.

I believe we had this trouble last time the clocks changed.

UPDATE: Yeah, theres a checkbox in "My Controls > Board Settings". You can't miss it as it says about daylight savings :o

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Yeah i noticed that last night. Was watching end of days and it seemed like it was about to finish, at what i thought was 12:30am (sky time hadnt changed) and it said it was finishing at 2am :S was rather confused. So i ended up going to bed at about 3 and ive now woken up at 1 so thats half my day gone :o

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