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The Pope Is Dead

Dr. Nick Riviera

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RIP pope dude :) , dont see what he did good for the world apart from wave outa the window every sunday (Y)

olish-born Karol Wojtyla became Pope in 1978, taking a conservative stand on issues like abortion and contraception.

I... know that it would be equally ridiculous to believe that it was the Pope who brought down communism with his own hands

Memory and Identity

Written by the Pope

He was the most widely travelled pontiff and visited more than 120 countries during his 26-year papacy. It nearly ended in 1981 when he was shot and seriously wounded as he toured St Peter's Square in Rome.

After a long period of recovery he visited and forgave the would-be assassin.

John Paul's reign saw radical changes in the world including the collapse of communism and the spread of Aids.

Although plagued by ill health throughout the latter part of his papacy he maintained his international schedule and in 2000 made a poignant pilgrimage to the Holy Land.

Think about yor posts before you post them



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okie doke he seemed like he done a lot of good  :">  i apologise, rip

Im not having a go or anything I was surprised what he's done because up till today I just thought he was some holy man living off religion

but studying his life and comments about him made me realise how much he has done he even forgave his assasin

night anyway people bikeshow tommorow (Y)


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yeah i think its a sad loss cos he had a good heart (i guess a pope has to) n he even forgave the man that shot him thats got to take some balls. he did help the downfall of communision but his downfall was not accepting modern time and told catholics not to use contraception part of the reason for massive up-surge in AIDS/HIV

hopefully next pope moves the church forward

by the way i aint religous before anyone moans at us im just interested in politics n things which effect the world

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I try not to get into Religious debates for the simple reason that the majority don't care about Religion and slag it off as much as they can or they say quite ridiculous things about it. (Not good if you like a debate... (Y)" )


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I try not to get into Religious debates for the simple reason that the majority don't care about Religion and slag it off as much as they can or they say quite ridiculous things about it. (Not good if you like a debate... (Y)" )


Ahmen i can stand religion i believe it is the cause of all the worlds problems along with capitalism.

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