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My forks, Right i bought some Monty X-Hydra forks for my Mod, I put them on and tightened everything up and went on the street to have a feel of them, I pressed my front brake once and my forks were wobbling, the headset is on correctly and everything is tightened up, What is the problem?

Please help!

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I had that, its becauae my steerer was too long and there wasnt enough space between the topcap and the start of the steerer, meaning everytime it was tightened, it just loosened again. If your steerer is less than half an inch away from where the top cap sits, cut the steerer down, or put a spacer in.

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chances are the steerer of the forks isn't below the top of the stem. The top cap is used to push down the stem onto the headset. If the steerer tube is flush with the top of the stem, then all you need is a few headset spacers below the stem.

I had this same problem recently, apart from it wasn't myheadset that was loose, the clips have broken off the back of my brakeblocks, and it was them that were moving. (Y)

So cheak out the steerer / stem and see if the steerer tube is below the top of the stem, if not, wack some spacers on.

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I currently have the same problem with my forks/headset >_< I always seem to have the problem how ever tight I do the b*****d up, really gets to me sometimes (Y)

I've got a King and Python with Team forks and a headlock and it still doesn't stay tight :S


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